UiHut - Pay Banking App Ui Kit - 10839

UiHut - Pay Banking App Ui Kit - 10839
Figma | Adobe Xd | Sketch
Meet . Pay, a fully-featured UI Kit Design for banking App, including a well-organized screen, and beautiful Colors. This package includes Dark and Light themes and a fully customized app page template with 60+ clean & minimal pre-made screens. 

We've added a lot of different content to maximize the number of layout options. Drag, drop and mix different parts to quickly build your own banking, payment, or wallet app in a matter of minutes.
 Types of screens included: Onboarding, Sign in/Sign up, Wallet, History, Card Details, Notifications, Adding card, Card settings, and much more. Thank You For Your Time


UiHut - Pay Banking App Ui Kit - 10839

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