50 Flat UI Color Swatches 1761202


50 Flat UI Color Swatches 1761202

This product includes 20 of the most popular flat UI colors PLUS 30 more custom flat UI colors AND 6 bonus flat UI color schemes so you can start building user interfaces and websites right away.

This comprehensive flat UI color swatch package includes:

1 .aco file for Adobe Photoshop

1 .ase file for Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator

All 50 color swatches in .ai, .eps, .indd, .idml, .JPG, .PDF and .PSD formats

6 bonus flat UI color schemes in .ai, .eps, .indd, .idml, .JPG, .PDF and .PSD formats


50 Flat UI Color Swatches 1761202

