Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6
Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6
Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6
Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6
Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6
Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6


Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes

Introducing the Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brush Pack

This is a pack for Procreate on the iPad and includes 64 high resolution brushes including painted brush strokes, dabs of paint, and also some extra shapes such as smiley faces, exclamation marks and crosses.

In the download you will receive:

  • 64 Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes
  • Readme.txt support file.

Thank you for your support, I had fun making these.



Paintstroke Procreate Stamp Brushes 8JB7SM6

