Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Wicker laundry baskets
Platform: 3dsMax 2014 + fbx Render: Corona

Seagrass Handcrafted Round Hamper from Pottery Barn

Wicker laundry baskets with terry towel

Basket dimensions: diameter 470 mm, height 690 mm

Two colors:
- Savanah


There are two options in the archive:
- Basket with towel and lid slightly open
- Closed basket

TurboSmooth is open

To correctly display the towel pile, it is recommended to configure Displacement in Render Setup:
Corona: Performance tab - Displacement - Screen Size (px): 1

Polys: 642280
Textures: 87.5 MB
2014 Max (Corona 5.2)+FBX

For Corona render, it is recommended to install version no lower than 1.5, since the glossiness of the materials is adjusted taking into account PBR.
Wicker laundry baskets

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