Fridge Liebherr CUesf 4023
Fridge Liebherr CUesf 4023
Fridge Liebherr CUesf 4023
Platform: 3dsMax 2011 + fbx Render: Vray

Fridge Liebherr CUesf 4023 Polygon count - 9.183 All stacks are open Each texture have unique names. Archive: textures (diffuse + spec), fbx, vray scene, corona scene, .mat file for each render, preview images. ____________________ Refrigerator Liebherr CUesf 4023 Range - 9,183 All stacks are open every texture has a unique name. Archived: texture (diffuse + spec), fbx, scene by vray, scene of a corona, .mat file for each render preview images.
Fridge Liebherr CUesf 4023

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