Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Vincent Sheppard Basket table
Platform: 3dsMax 2014 + obj Render: Vray+Corona

Basket tables by Vincent Sheppard.


R225 mm x 375 mm
R225 mm x 465 mm

Formats: 3d Max 2014 / OBJ / Corona / Vray Next
Materials for Vray and Corona are saved separately in the Materials folder for the OBJ format.
Materials for Vray are made in the Next version, if using a lower version, the BRDF section must be filled in manually on Blinn, Phong or Ward.
Vincent Sheppard Basket table

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