Stockton Ivory Lacquered Dining Chair, Maxime French Round Dining Table
Stockton Ivory Lacquered Dining Chair, Maxime French Round Dining Table
Stockton Ivory Lacquered Dining Chair, Maxime French Round Dining Table
Stockton Ivory Lacquered Dining Chair, Maxime French Round Dining Table
Platform: 3dsMax 2011 + obj Render: Vray

1) Stockton Modern Classic Antique Steel Nailhead Ivory Lacquered Dining Side Chair (36 "H x 22" W x 26.5 "D) - 30k polys

2) Maxime French Country Pine Reclaimed Elm Round Pedestal Dining Table (31 "H x 55" W x 55 "D) - 25k polys
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Who works in the V-Ray version is lower than 3.1. Be careful, in some materials in the BRDF section there is a Microfaset GTR (GGX), if your version is older than 3.1, then the BRDF field will be empty. Choose Blinn, Phong or Ward - which is preferable for you.
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All elements have the correct scan
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Scene in mm
Stockton Ivory Lacquered Dining Chair, Maxime French Round Dining Table

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