Whirlpool Kitchen appliances Whirlpool set
Whirlpool Kitchen appliances Whirlpool set
Whirlpool Kitchen appliances Whirlpool set
Whirlpool Kitchen appliances Whirlpool set
Platform: 3dsMax 2014 + obj Render: Vray+Corona


Set of household kitchen appliances Whirlpool

1. Cooking gas surface (built-in)
Whirlpool AKW 7523 NB

2. Oven (built-in)
Whirlpool OAS KC8V1 IX

3. Microwave (built-in)
Whirlpool AMW 730 WH

4. Refrigerator (freestanding)
Whirlpool W5 911 EOX

For ease of use, all objects are grouped. All items have UVW scans. TurboSmooth is assigned to objects; smoothing stacks are not collapsed. Materials, textures, geometry are named in English. All textures, IES maps of light sources are present in the archive.

In order to facilitate weight, the geometry in the * .OBJ file is without a TurboSmooth modifier. After importing the model into a third-party program, if necessary, assign the original modifier yourself.

Polycount: 102,270
Verts: 72,424

Enjoy your renderings!

Whirlpool  Kitchen appliances Whirlpool set

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