Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)
Platform: 3dsMax 2012 + obj Render: Vray+Corona

Metal balcony / Metal balcony
(3 types of cantilever balconies)
Length: 4000mm (4.0m),
Depth: 2400mm (2.4m),
Height: 1270mm (1.27m).
Format / Formats:
-3ds max 2012 (V-ray),
-3ds max 2012 (Corona),
-3ds max 2015 (V-ray),
-3ds max 2015 (Corona),
Render: V-ray & Corona
All files are in the archive.
Metal balcony / Metal balcony (3 types of cantilever balconies)

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