Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Platform: 3dsMax 2015 + obj Render: Vray+Corona

Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet
Polys: 960873
Verts: 1060070

-Formats: 3DsMax 2015, OBJ
-Render engine: Corona, Vray
-unit: Millimeter.

** Some of the mesh's turbosmooth is set to render only.

flower, vase, leaf, decor, decoration, set, bouquet, wedding, leaves, white, olive, wax, eucalyptus, rose, dahlia,
Flower Set 053 White Rose Dahlia Big bouquet

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