Kai Locomotion System v3.0.0 (5.1) / v2.1.1 (5.0) / v1.0 (4.27)

Animation Blueprint To Use With Different Animation packs (Distance , Rotation Matching).


Plug and Play Animation Blueprint
Written in c++
Foot Lock Transition Control Rig
Animation Modifiers to automatically place foot sync markers
Skeleton Agnostic Layered Blend Bone Animation Node that uses new Blend Profiles. Version: 3.0.0 (5.1) / v2.1.1 (5.0) / v1.0 (4.27) Home Page: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/kai-locomotion-system

Kai Locomotion System v3.0.0 (5.1) / v2.1.1 (5.0) / v1.0 (4.27)

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