MultiFPS - Multiplayer FPS v1.0.1

MultiFPS includes all the necessary features that multiplayer shooter needs. Synchronized gameplay, bots, scoreboard, in-game chat, and more

Key features:

Synchronized FPP controller

8 items: Knife, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, SniperRifle, Grenade, Bomb, Rocket Launcher

Weapon recoil dependent on player movement, represented by crosshair

Melee attacks for every weapon

4 maps, where one of them is showcase for various features

4 Gamemodes: Deathmatch, TeamDeathmatch, TeamEliminations, Defuse

Separate UI for each gamemode


Scoreboard, with kills, deaths and ping

Spectator mode, where you can spectate other players from first person perspective when you're dead

Taking control over bots in your team when you are dead

Synchronized ragdoll with applying gun and movement force on death

Custom player position and rotation synchronization

Bullet penetration through players and selected environment objects

Object pooler for sparks created by bullet hits and other frequently used effects

Cosmetics for character model and items, with UI panel to select them

Pause menu

Mouse sensitivity, fov and audio volume sliders in pause menu

Lodout panel in pause menu, so player can choose which weapon he will have on next spawn

In game text chat

Support for new input system

ServerList - Rest API that will serve server list and boot multifps when player creates lobby from game client Version: 1.0.1 Home Page:

MultiFPS - Multiplayer FPS v1.0.1

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