Oreilly - C++ Fundamentals I and II (Video Training)
by | Released July 2010 | ISBN: 9780137045150
C++ Fundamentals I and IIis for professional software developers who are not familiar with C++ and object-oriented programming. In this two-part video LiveLesson, distinguished programming languages author and professional teacher Paul Deitel uses the Deitel's signature live-code approach to introduce C++ fundamentals, object-oriented programming and event-driven programming. The Deitel's early classes and objects approach immerses the learner in object-oriented programming from the start. All concepts are presented in the context of complete-working programs using C++ and Microsoft's Visual C++ 2008 Express version of its Visual Studio 2008 (Orcas) tools. Show and hide more
- Dive into Visual Studio 2010
- Dive into Visual Studio 2010 00:19:16
- Dive into GNU C++ Compiler
- Dive into GNU C++ Compiler 00:11:49
- C++ Fundamentals - Part 1
- Part 1 Learning Objectives 00:04:22
- Lesson 1: Introduction to C++ Programming
- Learning Objectives 00:00:57
- Text printing program 00:11:57
- Comparing integers using if statements, relational operators and equality operators 00:14:23
- Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects
- Learning Objectives 00:01:36
- Defining a class with a member function 00:12:28
- Defining a member function with a parameter 00:07:36
- Data members, set functions and get functions 00:10:16
- Initializing objects with constructors 00:09:00
- Placing a class in a separate file for reusability 00:06:05
- Separating interface from implementation 00:15:49
- Validating data with set functions 00:06:00
- Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1
- Learning Objectives 00:00:37
- GradeBook: Calculating the class average with counter-controlled repetition 00:05:48
- GradeBook: Calculating the class average with sentinel-controlled repetition 00:10:52
- Preincrementing and postincrementing 00:03:28
- Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2
- Learning Objectives 00:01:26
- Compound interest calculations with the for statement 00:09:32
- do..while repetition statement 00:01:41
- GradeBook: Using the switch statement to count letter grades 00:12:24
- The break and continue statements 00:03:19
- Logical operators 00:06:01
- Lesson 5: Functions
- Learning Objectives 00:02:57
- Promotion hierarchy for fundamental data types 00:02:48
- Simulating the dice game Craps 00:11:00
- Scope rules 00:11:19
- inline functions 00:01:59
- Passing arguments by value and by reference 00:04:35
- Default arguments to a function 00:04:34
- Unary scope resolution operator 00:01:26
- Overloaded square functions 00:08:01
- Function templates 00:14:05
- Lesson 6: Arrays and Vectors
- Learning Objectives 00:02:17
- Initializing an array’s elements to zeros and printing the array 00:03:34
- Initializing the elements of an array in its declaration 00:03:02
- Character arrays processed as strings 00:07:23
- static array initialization and automatic array initialization 00:05:29
- Passing arrays and individual array elements to functions 00:09:07
- GradeBook: Using an array to store grades 00:13:06
- Initializing multidimensional arrays 00:06:34
- GradeBook: Using a two-dimensional array to store grades 00:07:55
- C++ Standard Library class template vector 00:18:18
- Lesson 7: Pointers and Pointer-Based Strings
- Learning Objectives 00:02:02
- Introduction to pointers 00:02:59
- Pointer operators & and * 00:07:49
- Pass-by-value vs. pass-by-reference with pointers 00:08:57
- Converting a string to uppercase using a nonconstant pointer to nonconstant data 00:08:25
- Printing a string one character at a time using a nonconstant pointer to constant data 00:05:25
- Attempting to modify a constant pointer to nonconstant data 00:02:14
- Attempting to modify a constant pointer to constant data 00:02:36
- Using the sizeof operator 00:06:40
- Referencing array elements with the array name and pointers 00:06:04
- Multipurpose sorting program with function pointers 00:09:15
- Array of pointers to functions 00:03:50
- Lesson 8: Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 1
- Learning Objectives 00:02:05
- Time class definition 00:13:34
- Class scope and accessing class members 00:04:44
- Enhancing the Time class with set and get method and a constructor with default arguments 00:17:21
- Order in which constructors and destructors are called 00:11:53
- A subtle trap--returning a reference to a private data member 00:07:31
- Default memberwise assignment 00:05:07
- Lesson 9: Classes: A Deeper Look, Part 2
- Learning Objectives 00:05:21
- const objects and const member functions 00:10:28
- Member initializer used to initialize a constant of a built-in data type 00:06:15
- Composition: Objects as members of classes 00:22:03
- friends can access private members of a class 00:07:46
- Using the this pointer 00:04:17
- Using the this pointer to enable cascaded function calls 00:05:49
- static class members 00:20:15
- C++ Fundamentals - Part 2
- Part 2 Learning Objectives 00:05:44
- Lesson 10: Operator Overloading: String and Array Objects
- Learning Objectives 00:03:09
- Overloaded stream insertion and stream extraction operators 00:19:13
- Case Study: Array class 00:14:59
- Case Study: Array class 00:31:12
- Case Study: String class 00:29:19
- Case Study: Date class 00:14:09
- Standard library class string 00:07:02
- Explicit constructors 00:07:33
- Lesson 11: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
- Learning Objectives 00:02:15
- CommunityMember and Shape class hierarchies 00:07:18
- ComissionEmployee class 00:07:21
- BasePlusCommissionEmployee class 00:07:43
- Attempting to inherit from the CommissionEmployee class into the BasePlusCommissionEmployee class 00:13:06
- CommissionEmployee-BasePlusCommissionEmployee hierarchy with protected data 00:04:18
- CommissionEmployee-BasePlusCommissionEmployee hierarchy with private data 00:12:09
- When constructors and destructors in a class hierarchy are called 00:06:58
- Lesson 12: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
- Learning Objectives 00:03:24
- Assigning addresses of base-class and derived class objects to base-class and derived-class pointers 00:10:19
- Aiming a derived-class pointer at a base-class object 00:01:27
- Attempting to invoke derived-class-only functions via a base-class pointer 00:04:30
- Demonstrating polymorphism by invoking a derived-class virtual function via base-class pointer to a derived-class object 00:10:08
- Case Study: Payroll system using polymorphism 00:34:44
- Polymorphism, virtual functions and dynamic binding "under the hood" 00:08:29
- Case Study: Payroll system using polymorphism and runtime type information with dynamic_cast, typeid and type_info 00:12:01
- Lesson 13: Templates
- Learning Objectives 00:00:55
- Function template specializations of function template printArray 00:06:25
- Building a Stack class template 00:17:38
- Passing a Stack template object to a function template 00:05:30
- Lesson 14: Exception Handling
- Learning Objectives 00:03:38
- Exception handling example that throws exceptions on attempts to divide by zero 00:14:21
- Rethrowing an exception 00:05:59
- Stack unwinding 00:07:12
- new throwing bad_alloc on failure 00:04:22
- set_new_handler specifying the function to call when new fails 00:03:06
- auto_ptr object manages dynamically allocated memory 00:07:50
- Lesson 15: STL Overview and an Introduction to Iterators
- Learning Objectives 00:02:57
- Standard library container classes 00:03:23
- STL container common functions 00:03:23
- typedefs found in first-class containers 00:04:27
- Input and output stream iterators 00:07:10
- Iterator categories and the iterator category hierarch 00:04:01
- Iterator types supported by each Standard Library container 00:03:41
- Iterator operations for each type of iterator 00:04:15
- Lesson 16: STL Containers and Container Adapters
- Learning Objectives 00:02:41
- Standard Library vector class template 00:16:12
- vector class template element-manipulation functions 00:12:31
- Standard Library list class template 00:09:56
- Standard Library deque class template 00:02:44
- Standard Library multiset class template 00:11:20
- Standard Library set class template 00:06:13
- Standard Library multimap class template 00:05:17
- Standard Library map class template 00:04:15
- Standard Library stack adapter class 00:04:14
- Standard Library queue adapter class 00:01:41
- Standard Library priority_queue adapter class 00:01:16
- Lesson 17: STL Algorithms, the Bitset Class, and Function Objects
- Learning Objectives 00:02:16
- fill, fill_n, generate and generate_n algorithms 00:09:08
- equal, mismatch and lexicographical_compare algorithms 00:09:32
- remove, remove_if, remove_copy and remove_copy_if algorithms 00:08:04
- replace, replace_if, replace_copy and replace_copy_if 00:03:57
- Mathematical algorithms of the Standard Library 00:08:40
- Basic searching and sorting algorithms of the Standard Library 00:05:50
- copy_backward, merge, unique and reverse algorithms 00:04:35
- inplace_merge, unique_copy and reverse_copy algorithms 00:05:37
- set operations of the Standard Library 00:07:00
- lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range algorithms 00:06:11
- min and max algorithms 00:00:49
- bitset class 00:10:19
- Function objects 00:05:27
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