Oreilly - Java Fundamentals I and II (Video Training) - 9780137131297
Oreilly - Java Fundamentals I and II (Video Training)
by | Released February 2008 | ISBN: 9780137131297

Java Fundamentals I and IIwill show you everything you need to know to start building robust, powerful software with Java SE. This collection provides $2,000 (USD) worth of expert Java training!Your instructor, Paul Deitel, has personally taught Java at organizations ranging from IBM to Sun Microsystems to NASA. With the powerful videos included in this LiveLesson,you'll learn at your own pace as Deitel guides you through Java's fundamentals, object-oriented programming, and event-driven programming.Deitel's signature “live-code” approach shows you the correct ways to use Java, right from the start. And you'll learn in the best possible way: through complete, working programs containing thousands of lines of fully tested Java program code. After mastering the basics--classes, objects, methods, and much more--you'll move on to master professional-quality techniques, from inheritance and polymorphism to exception handling and user interface development.Check out the extensive Java and Java-related Deitel® Resource Centers at www.deitel.com/resourcecenters.html. Each week Deitel® announces its latest Resource Centers in its newsletter, the DEITEL® BUZZ ONLINE (www.deitel.com/newsletter/subscribe.html).Looking for a better way to master today's rapidly changing programming technologies? Want expert help, but don't have the time or energy to read a book? Can't find classroom training worth the money? Discover LiveLessons:self-paced, personal video instruction from the world's leading experts.LiveLessonsare video courses, on DVD with a book supplement, that are organized into bite-sized, self-contained sessions—you'll learn key skills in as little as fifteen minutes!Track your progress as you follow clearly defined learning objectives.Follow along as your instructor shows exactly how to get great results in your real-world environment.For the latest information on Deitel publications and to be notified when Deitel content is updated or added, please follow Deitel on:Twitter: @deitelFacebook: http://www.deitel.com/deitelfan Show and hide more
  1. Fundamentals I - An Introduction
    • Fundamentals I - An Introduction 00:03:49
  2. Fundamentals I - Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Applications
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:27
    • Welcome1.java - printing text 00:15:41
    • Comparison.java - if statements, relational and equality operators 00:10:51
    • Lesson 1: Introduction to Java Applications Summary 00:01:51
  3. Fundamentals I - Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects
    • Learning Objectives 00:03:19
    • GradeBook.java - class with one method 00:08:04
    • GradeBook.java - class with a method and parameter 00:06:20
    • GradeBook.java - class with an instance variable and methods 00:10:23
    • GradeBook.java - class with a constructor 00:07:10
    • Account.java - class with a constructor that validates data 00:09:17
    • Lesson 2: Introduction to Classes and Objects Summary 00:02:23
  4. Fundamentals I - Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:26
    • GradeBook.java - counter-controlled repetition 00:07:18
    • GradeBookTest.java 00:02:14
    • GradeBook.java - sentinel-controlled repetition 00:07:15
    • GradeBookTest.java 00:02:30
    • Increment.java - prefix and postfix increment operators 00:05:36
    • Lesson 3: Control Statements: Part 1 Summary 00:01:46
  5. Fundamentals I - Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:29
    • Interest.java - the for loop 00:14:43
    • DoWhileTest.java - do...while statement 00:05:55
    • GradeBook.java - the switch statement 00:13:58
    • switch statement UML activity diagrams 00:02:55
    • LogicalOperators.java - logical operators 00:10:15
    • Lesson 4: Control Statements: Part 2 Summary 00:02:00
  6. Fundamentals I - Lesson 5: Methods- A Deeper Look
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:59
    • static Methods, static Fields, class Math 00:11:12
    • Argument Promotion and Casting 00:05:49
    • Java API Packages 00:04:59
    • Craps.java - simulate the dice game 00:14:55
    • Scope.java - field and local variable scopes 00:14:20
    • MethodOverload.java - overloaded method declarations 00:05:58
    • MethodOverloadError.java - compilation error based on return types 00:02:36
    • Lesson 5: Methods- A Deeper Look Summary 00:02:22
  7. Fundamentals I - Lesson 6: Arrays
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:50
    • InitArray.java - creating an array 00:07:06
    • InitArray.java - initializing array elements 00:04:57
    • Card.java - array of reference-type elements 00:20:02
    • EnhancedForTest.java - using the enhanced for statement 00:05:29
    • PassArray.java - passing arrays to methods 00:07:33
    • GradeBook.java - using an array to store grades 00:12:32
    • Multidimensional arrays 00:05:49
    • InitArray.java - initializing a two-dimensional array 00:06:46
    • GradeBook.java - using a two-dimensional array to store grades 00:12:56
    • VarargsTest.java - using variable-length argument lists 00:05:53
    • InitArray.java - using command-line arguments to initialize an array 00:08:29
    • Lesson 6: Arrays Summary 00:02:14
  8. Fundamentals I - Lesson 7: Classes and Objects- A Deeper Look
    • Learning Objectives 00:03:03
    • Time1.java - class declaration 00:14:18
    • MemberAccessTest.java - private members of a class 00:03:06
    • ThisTest.java - using the "this" reference 00:10:53
    • Time2.java - overloaded constructors 00:18:04
    • Time2Test.java - overloaded constructors continued 00:06:17
    • Time2.java - Exercise: Modifying a class's internal data representation 00:03:54
    • Default and No-Argument Constructors 00:02:33
    • Notes on Set and Get Methods 00:06:18
    • Date.java - date class declaration 00:12:54
    • Book.java - declaring an enum type 00:12:02
    • Employee.java - static variables 00:20:40
    • StaticImportTest.java - using static import 00:03:09
    • Increment.java - final instance variable in a class 00:03:52
    • Time Class Case Study: creating packages 00:17:33
    • Time1.java - example of creating packages 00:07:33
    • Compiling a packaged class from the command line 00:04:29
    • Lesson 7: Classes and Objects- A Deeper Look Summary 00:04:11
  9. Fundamentals I - Introduction to the Eclipse IDE
    • Fundamentals I - Introduction to the Eclipse IDE 00:17:42
  10. Fundamentals I - Introduction to the NetBeans IDE
    • Fundamentals I - Introduction to the NetBeans IDE 00:19:51
  11. Fundamentals II - An Introduction
    • Fundamentals II - An Introduction 00:04:09
  12. Fundamentals II - Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:40
    • Class Hierarchies 00:08:18
    • CommissionEmployee.java - superclasses and subclasses 00:07:28
    • CommissionEmployeeTest.java 00:08:04
    • BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - superclasses and subclasses continued 00:06:35
    • BasePlusCommissionEmployee2.java - extending CommissionEmployee 00:08:43
    • CommissionEmployee2.java - using protected instance variables 00:09:50
    • CommissionEmployee3.java - using methods to manipulate instance variables 00:10:11
    • Lesson 1: Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance Summary 00:02:26
  13. Fundamentals II - Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism
    • Learning Objectives 00:05:10
    • PolymorphismTest.java - the "is-a" relationship 00:12:12
    • Employee Class Hierarchy - Polymorphism 00:08:51
    • Employee.java - Creating an abstract superclass 00:07:33
    • SalariedEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass 00:06:26
    • HourlyEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass 00:04:06
    • CommissionEmployee.java - inheriting directly from an abstract superclass 00:03:37
    • BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - extends CommissionEmployee 00:07:38
    • BasePlusCommissionEmployee.java - inheriting indirectly from an abstract superclass 00:22:36
    • Payable Interface Hierarchy - Introduction to Interfaces 00:04:33
    • Payable.java - defining an interface 00:04:04
    • Invoice.java - implementing interface Payable 00:05:13
    • Employee.java - implementing interface Payable 00:05:22
    • PayableInterfaceTest.java - demonstrating polymorphic behavior with interfaces 00:12:28
    • Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism Summary 00:02:45
  14. Fundamentals II - Lesson 3: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and Event Handling
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:48
    • Common Swing superclasses 00:07:12
    • TextFieldFrame.java - the JTextField class 00:25:25
    • TextFieldTest.java - Launching a GUI application 00:03:16
    • Event Registration 00:13:42
    • ButtonFrame.java - the JButton class 00:14:31
    • ComboBoxFrame.java - the JComboBox class 00:11:39
    • MouseTrackerFrame.java - mouse events 00:15:11
    • MouseDetailsFrame.java - mouse clicks and buttons 00:13:35
    • Lesson 3: Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) and Event Handling Summary 00:02:00
  15. Fundamentals II - Lesson 4: Exception Handling
    • Learning Objectives 00:04:32
    • DivideByZeroExceptionHandling.java - introduction to exception handling 00:13:58
    • DivideByZeroWithExceptionHandling.java - arithmetic and input mismatch exceptions 00:16:43
    • class Throwable's inheritance hierarchy 00:06:59
    • try statement with finally block 00:03:54
    • UsingExceptions.java - try...catch...finally 00:10:27
    • UsingExceptions.java - stack unwinding 00:06:00
    • UsingChainedExceptions.java - chained exceptions 00:07:10
    • Lesson 4: Exception Handling Summary 00:03:02
  16. Fundamentals II - Lesson 5: The Collections Framework
    • Learning Objectives 00:05:05
    • Online documentation for the java.util package 00:12:16
    • UsingArrays.java - manipulating arrays 00:12:15
    • CollectionTest.java - using the Collection interface 00:12:04
    • LinkTest.java - using LinkLists 00:11:29
    • UsingToArray.java - using method toArray 00:07:25
    • Collections algorithms 00:02:27
    • Sort1.java - the sort algorithm 00:07:54
    • Sort2.java - using a comparator object 00:03:13
    • TimeComparator.java - using a custom comparator class 00:10:27
    • BinarySearchTest.java - the binarySearch algorithm 00:04:23
    • SetTest.java - using a HashSet 00:03:38
    • SortedSetTest.java - the SortedSet interface 00:05:16
    • WordTypeCount.java - the HashMap class 00:07:01
    • Synchronization wrapper methods 00:03:08
    • Lesson 5: The Collections Framework Summary 00:03:12
  17. Fundamentals II - Lesson 6: Multithreading
    • Learning Objectives 00:01:40
    • Thread life-cycle & the OS's internal view of Java's runnable state 00:06:22
    • Creating and starting threads to execute Runnables 00:11:32
    • Using an ExecutorService to execute Runnables 00:04:47
    • Unsynchronized data sharing 00:10:39
    • Synchronized data sharing 00:04:07
    • Producer/Consumer relationship without synchronization 00:10:37
    • Producer/Consumer relationship: ArrayBlockingQueue 00:06:54
    • Producer/Consumer relationship with synchronization 00:11:31
    • Producer/Consumer relationship with the Lock and Condition interfaces 00:12:10
  18. Fundamentals II - Lesson 7 Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) Part 2
    • Learning Objectives 00:02:56
    • Introduction to the Nimbus Look and Feel 00:04:08
    • JRadioButtons and ButtonGroups 00:08:56
    • JList that displays a list of colors 00:07:42
    • JList that allows multiple selections 00:07:35
    • Creating a customized subclass of JPanel for drawing 00:08:06
    • Jslider value used to determine the diameter of a cirlcle 00:07:30
    • JMenus and mnemonics 00:19:50
    • Multiple-document interface 00:11:13
  19. Show and hide more

    Oreilly - Java Fundamentals I and II (Video Training)

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