Lynda - Business Analytics: Data Reduction Techniques Using Excel and R - 562922
Lynda - Business Analytics: Data Reduction Techniques Using Excel and R
With businesses having to grapple with increasing amounts of data, the need for data reduction has intensified in recent years. To make sense of an overabundance of information, you can use cluster analysis—which allows you to develop inferences about a handful of groups instead of an entire population of individuals—as well as principal components analysis, which exposes latent variables.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Problems Raised by Massive Amounts of Data
  • 2. An Overview of Principal Components Analysis
  • 3. An Overview of Cluster Analysis
  • 4. Putting It Together: Using Cluster Anaysis and Factor Analysis in Concert
  • Conclusion
  • Lynda - Business Analytics: Data Reduction Techniques Using Excel and R

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