- Introduction
- Introduction 00:08:44
- Lesson1: Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Introduction 00:02:25
- Installing the Java SE 6 Development Kit and the Eclipse IDE 00:09:57
- Installing the Android SDK and the ADT Plugin for Eclipse 00:08:55
- Installing the Android Platforms for developing Android apps 00:06:02
- Creating an AVD to emulate an Android Device for testing purposes 00:17:16
- Lesson 2: Test-Driving an Android App in an AVD
- Introduction 00:01:25
- Importing an Eclipse project for an Android app and running the app on an AVD or an actual device 00:25:20
- Lesson 3: Welcome App
- Introduction 00:01:05
- Importing the Welcome app into Eclipse and test-driving the app 00:06:34
- Creating the Welcome app's project in Eclipse 00:10:15
- Introducing the Visual Layout Editor 00:09:32
- Replacing main.xml and configuring the layout 00:14:12
- Adding a TextView and configuring it's Text property as a string resource 00:09:15
- Configuring the rest of the TextView's properties 00:10:08
- Adding the ImageViews 00:08:47
- Examining the XML files 00:11:01
- Lesson 4: Tip Calculator App
- Introduction 00:01:44
- Importing the Tip Calculator app into Eclipse and test-driving the app 00:05:55
- Overview of the GUI and introduction to TableLayouts and TableRows 00:02:56
- Building the GUI 00:24:34
- Reviewing main.xml 00:21:07
- TipCalculator.java: Import declarations, extending Activity and field declarations 00:11:48
- TipCalculator.java: fields of class TipCalculator and a discussion of app configuration changes 00:07:29
- TipCalculator.java: onCreate method 00:13:53
- TipCalculator.java: updateStandard and updateCustom methods 00:02:47
- TipCalculator.java: onSaveInstanceState method 00:03:39
- TipCalculator.java: OnSeekBarChangeListener 00:04:10
- TipCalculator.java: TextWatcher 00:03:56
- Lesson 5: Favorite Twitter Searches App
- Introduction 00:05:00
- Importing the Favorite Twitter Searches app into Eclipse and test-driving the app 00:07:44
- Reviewing the colors.xml, dimen.xml and strings.xml resource files 00:09:32
- Reviewing the main.xml layout 00:13:10
- Reviewing the new_tag_view.xml layout 00:03:37
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: Import declarations, extending Activity and field declarations 00:04:21
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: onCreate method 00:03:17
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: refreshButtons and makeTag utility methods 00:05:48
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: makeTagGUI utility method 00:04:03
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: saveButtonListener anonymous inner class 00:04:50
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: clearTagsButtonListener anonymous inner class 00:03:07
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.java: queryButtonListener and editButtonListener anonymous inner classes 00:06:19
- Lesson 6: Flag Quiz Game App
- Introduction 00:04:11
- Importing the Flag Quiz Game app and test-driving the app 00:08:02
- Reviewing the colors.xml, dimen.xml and strings.xml resource files 00:06:01
- Reviewing the main.xml layout 00:06:52
- Reviewing the guess_button.xml layout 00:02:00
- Reviewing the incorrect_shake.xml flag-shake animation 00:07:30
- FlagQuizGame.java: Import declarations, extending Activity and field declarations 00:07:08
- FlagQuizGame.java: onCreate method 00:04:46
- FlagQuizGame.java: resetQuiz method 00:05:56
- FlagQuizGame.java: loadNextFlag, getTableRow and getCountryName methods 00:07:40
- FlagQuizGame.java: submitGuess and disableButtons methods 00:07:14
- FlagQuizGame.java: onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected methods 00:10:50
- FlagQuizGame.java: OnClickListener guessButtonListener 00:00:58
- FlagQuizGame.java: Android.xml 00:04:47
- Lesson 7: Cannon Game App
- Introduction 00:03:38
- Test-driving the Cannon Game app 00:05:16
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml and strings.xml files 00:03:55
- Reviewing the main.xml layout 00:01:23
- Class Line represents a line with two endpoints 00:00:46
- CannonGame.java: package statement, import statements and instance variables 00:02:21
- CannonGame.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreate, onPause and onDestroy 00:02:49
- CannonGame.java: Overriding Activity method onTouchEvent 00:01:31
- CannonGame.java: Anonymous inner class that extends SimpleOnGestureListener 00:01:06
- CannonView.java: package and import statements, extending class SurfaceView and field declarations 00:04:27
- CannonView.java: Constructor 00:05:21
- CannonView.java: Overridden onSizeChanged method 00:03:05
- CannonView.java: newGame method 00:01:35
- CannonView.java: updatePositions method 00:04:48
- CannonView.java: fireCannonball method 00:01:30
- CannonView.java: alignCannon method 00:01:15
- CannonView.java: drawGameElements method 00:05:09
- CannonView.java: showGameOverDialog method 00:03:13
- CannonView.java: stopGame and releaseResources methods 00:01:15
- CannonView.java: SurfaceHolder.Callback methods 00:03:12
- CannonView.java: CannonThread class 00:06:25
- Lesson 8: SpotOn Game App
- Introduction 00:03:49
- Test-driving the SpotOn Game app 00:08:16
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:01:22
- Reviewing the layout files--main.xml, untouched.xml and life.xml 00:04:22
- SpotOn.java: SpotOn subclass of Activity 00:03:20
- SpotOnView.java: package statement and import statements 00:01:17
- SpotOnView.java: Extending class View and field declarations 00:04:56
- SpotOnView.java: Constructor 00:02:04
- SpotOnView.java: Overridden onSizeChanged method 00:00:53
- SpotOnView.java: pause, cancelAnimation and resume methods 00:04:12
- SpotOnView.java: resetGame method 00:03:16
- SpotOnView.java: initializeSoundEffects method 00:01:02
- SpotOnView.java: displayScores method 00:00:24
- SpotOnView.java: Runnable addSpotRunnable and method addNewSpot 00:11:49
- SpotOnView.java: Runnable addSpotRunnable and method addNewSpot 00:00:39
- SpotOnView.java: Overridden onTouchEvent method 00:00:46
- SpotOnView.java: touchedSpot method 00:02:15
- CannonView.java: missedSpot method 00:03:01
- Lesson 9: Doodlz App
- Introduction 00:03:27
- Test-driving the Doodlz app 00:08:35
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:02:21
- Reviewing the layout files--main.xml, color_dialog.xml and width_dialog.xml 00:05:32
- Doodlz.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:05:13
- Doodlz.java: Overridden methods onCreate and onPause 00:01:49
- Doodlz.java: Methods enableAccelerometerListening and disableAccelerometerListening 00:04:14
- Doodlz.java: Implementing interface SensorEventListener 00:04:40
- Doodlz.java: Overridden methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected 00:02:10
- Doodlz.java: Method showColorDialog and imlementing interfaces OnSeekBarChangeListener and OnClickListener 00:06:51
- Doodlz.java: Method showLineWidthDialog and imlementing interfaces OnSeekBarChangeListener and OnClickListener 00:04:21
- DoodleView.java: package statement and import statements 00:02:21
- DoodleView.java: Extending class View, fields, constructor and overriding method onSizeChanged 00:04:54
- DoodleView.java: Methods clear, setDrawingColor, getDrawingColor, setLineWidth and getLineWidth 00:01:36
- DoodleView.java: Overriding method onDraw 00:02:01
- DoodleView.java: Overriding method onTouchEvent 00:06:36
- DoodleView.java: Method touchStarted 00:02:21
- DoodleView.java: Method touchMoved 00:02:40
- DoodleView.java: Method touchEnded 00:00:46
- DoodleView.java: saveImage 00:06:14
- Lesson 10: Address Book app
- Test-driving the Address Book 00:06:24
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:03:14
- Styles defined in styles.xml and placed in the app's res/values folder 00:06:52
- XML representation of a Drawable that's used to place a border around a TextView 00:01:52
- Layout for each item in the AddressBook ListActivity's built-in ListView 00:05:03
- ViewContact Activity's layout: view_contact.xml 00:01:37
- AddEditContact Activity's layout: add_contact.xml 00:03:46
- AddressBook activity and ViewContact activity menu layouts 00:10:18
- AddressBook.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:04:58
- AddressBook.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:03:50
- AddressBook.java: Overriding Activity methods onResume and onStop 00:03:28
- AddressBook.java: GetContactsTask subclass of AsyncTask 00:06:43
- AddressBook.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionItemSelected 00:06:05
- AddressBook.java: OnItemClickListener viewContactListener that responds to ListView touch events 00:05:24
- ViewContact.java: package statement, import statements and instance variables 00:01:51
- ViewContact.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreate and onResume 00:02:01
- ViewContact.java: LoadContactTask subclass of AsyncTask 00:04:25
- ViewContact.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionItemSelected 00:03:17
- ViewContact.java: deleteContact method 00:03:25
- AddEditContact.java: package statement, import statement, instance variables and overriding method onCreate 00:04:24
- AddEditContact.java: saveContactButtonClicked event listener and method saveContact 00:02:55
- DatabaseConnector.java: Utility class that handles all the SQLite database interactions 00:14:58
- Lesson 11: Route Tracker app
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:05:00
- RouteTracker Activity's layout: main.xml 00:02:14
- RouteTracker.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:06:11
- RouteTracker.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:03:02
- RouteTracker.java: Overriding Activity methods onStart and onStop 00:06:43
- RouteTracker.java: updateLocation method 00:02:54
- RouteTracker.java: Anonymous inner class that implements LocationListener to respond to LocationManager events 00:00:57
- RouteTracker.java: Anonymous inner class that implements GpsStatus.Listener to determine when the app is able to get a GPS fix t 00:00:53
- RouteTracker.java: Overriding MapActivity method isRouteDisplayed 00:00:34
- RouteTracker.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionItemSelected 00:01:23
- RouteTracker.java: Anonymous inner class that OnCheckedChangeListener to respond to trackingToggleButton's events 00:01:58
- BearingFrameLayout.java: package statement, import statements and instance variables 00:01:22
- BearingFrameLayout.java: getChildLayoutParams method 00:02:37
- BearingFrameLayout.java: Constructor 00:01:55
- BearingFrameLayout.java: Overriding View method dispatchDraw 00:02:54
- BearingFrameLayout.java: setBearing and getMapView methods 00:00:27
- RouteOverlay.java: package statement, import statements and instance variables 00:01:04
- RouteOverlay.java: Constructor 00:00:34
- RouteOverlay.java: addPoint and reset methods 00:00:36
- RouteOverlay.java: Overriding View method draw 00:03:57
- Lesson 12: Slideshow App
- Test-driving the Slideshow app 00:07:00
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file file 00:01:14
- slideshow_list_item.xml: Layout for the ListView items in the Slideshow ListActivity 00:02:44
- slideshow_menu.xml: Slideshow ListActivity's menu 00:00:37
- slideshow_name_edittext.xml: Custom GUI for the Set Slideshow Name AlertDialog 00:00:37
- slideshow_editor.xml: Layout for the SlideshowEditor ListActivity 00:01:06
- slideshow_edit_item.xml: Layout for ListView items in the SlideshowEditor ListActivity 00:00:30
- slideshow_player.xml: Layout for the SlideshowPlayer Activity 00:00:29
- SlideshowInfo.java: Stores data for a single slideshow 00:01:04
- Slideshow.java: package statement, import statement and fields 00:03:18
- Slideshow.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:01:25
- Slideshow.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu, onOptionsItemSelected and onActivityResult 00:08:04
- Slideshow.java: Nested classes ViewHolder and SlideshowAdapter--Using the View-Holder patter to populate a ListView 00:12:05
- Slideshow.java: Nested class LoadThumbnailTask for loading an image thumbnail in a separate thread 00:02:42
- Slideshow.java: Event listener for playButton's click event 00:00:46
- Slideshow.java: Event listener for editButton's click event 00:01:00
- Slideshow.java: Event listener for deleteButton's click event 00:01:46
- Slideshow.java: Utility method getSlideshowInfo returns a SlideshowInfo object for the slideshow with the specified name 00:00:36
- Slideshow.java: Utility method getThumbnail loads an image's thumbnail Bitmap from a specified Uri 00:02:32
- SlideshowEditor.java: package statement, import statement and instance variables 00:01:18
- SlideshowEditor.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:01:39
- SlideshowEditor.java: Overriding Activity method onActivityResult 00:02:11
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listener for doneButton's click event 00:00:29
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listener for addPictureButton's click event 00:03:17
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listener for addMusicButton's click event 00:01:42
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listener for playButton's click event 00:00:47
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listener for deleteButton's click event 00:00:38
- SlideshowEditor.java: Nested classes ViewHolder and SlideshowEditorAdapter--Displaying slideshow images using the View-Holder pa 00:04:02
- SlideshowEditor.java: Nested class LoadThumbnailTask for loading image thumbnails in a separate thread 00:02:00
- SlideshowPlayer.java: package statement, import statement and fields 00:02:37
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:03:16
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Overriding Activity methods onStart, onPause, onResume, onStop and onDestroy 00:01:12
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Overriding Activity method onSaveInstanceState 00:01:02
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Runnable updateSlideshow displays the next image in the slideshow and schedules itself to run again in fiv 00:04:53
- Lesson 13: Enhanced Slideshow App
- Test-driving the Enhance d Slideshow app 00:05:16
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:01:17
- slideshow_editor.xml: Layout for the SlideshowEditor ListActivity 00:01:35
- camera_preview.xml: Layout for the PictureTaker Activity 00:00:18
- slideshow_player.xml: Layout for the SlideshowPlayer Activity 00:00:38
- MediaItem.java: MediaItem class used to represent images and videos in a slideshow 00:02:33
- SlideshowInfo.java: Modified SlideshowInfo class stores a List of MediaItems 00:03:29
- Slideshow.java: package statement, import statement and fields 00:01:58
- Slideshow.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:03:23
- Slideshow.java: Nested class LoadSlideshowTask deserializes the List<SlideshowInfo> object from a file or creates the object if 00:05:34
- Slideshow.java: Nested class SaveSlideshowTask serializes the List<SlideshowInfo> object to a file 00:03:03
- Slideshow.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu, onOptionsItemSelected and onActivityResult 00:01:32
- Slideshow.java: Utility method getThumbnail loads an image's thumbnail Bitmap from a specified Uri 00:00:49
- SlideshowEditor.java: Upated constants and method onActivityResult 00:02:08
- SlideshowEditor.java: Event listeners for the takePictureButton and addVideoButton 00:02:07
- SlideshowEditor.java: Updated nested class LoadThumbnailTask loads image or video thumbnails in a separate thread 00:00:37
- PictureTaker.java: package statement, import statement and fields 00:03:12
- PictureTaker.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:02:01
- PictureTaker.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected 00:01:26
- PictureTaker.java: Implementing SurfaceHolder.Callback 00:03:21
- PictureTaker.java: Implementing Camera.PictureCallback 00:05:05
- PictureTaker.java: Implementing OnTouchListener to handle touch events 00:01:13
- SlideshowPlayer.java: package statement, import statement and fields 00:01:10
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:00:37
- SlideshowPlayer.java: Updated Runnable updateSlideshow that displays the next image or plays the next video in the slideshow 00:03:17
- Lesson 14: WeatherViewer App
- Test-driving the WeatherViewer app 00:09:38
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:02:54
- weather_widget_provider_info.xml: WeatherProvider app widget configuration 00:02:39
- main.xml: WeatherViewerActivity's layout 00:01:42
- arrays.xml: Default cities and ZIP codes 00:00:34
- actionmenu.xml: WeatherViewerActivity's menu layout 00:02:22
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:03:46
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:02:35
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Overriding Activity methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState 00:00:38
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Overriding Activity method onResume 00:02:17
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Implementing CitiesListChangeListener 00:01:27
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method loadSelectedForecast 00:01:13
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method setPreferred 00:02:33
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method loadSavedCities 00:01:30
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method addSampleCities 00:00:50
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method addCity 00:00:44
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method selectForecast 00:04:33
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Methods correctTab and selectTab 00:01:24
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreateOptionsMenu and onOptionsItemSelected 00:02:56
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Methods showAddCityDialog and onDialogFinished 00:02:17
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method getCityNameFromZipcode 00:01:55
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Implementing LocationLoadedListener 00:01:16
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Method setupTabs 00:01:35
- WeatherViewerActivity.java: Implementing TabListener 00:01:02
- CitiesFragment.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:02:54
- CitiesFragment.java: Methods onActivityCreated and setCitiesListChangeListener 00:02:16
- CitiesFragment.java: Nested class CitiesArrayAdapter 00:02:56
- CitiesFragment.java: Implementing OnItemLongClickListener 00:03:13
- CitiesFragment.java: Methods onSaveInstanceState, addCity and onListItemClick 00:01:19
- AddCityDialogFragment.java: Class for a dialog that allows the user to add a city 00:05:28
- ForecastFragment.java: Superclass for SingleForecastFragment and FiveDayForecastFragment 00:01:10
- SingleForcastFragment.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:02:31
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Overloaded method newInstance 00:01:17
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Methods onCreate, onSaveInstanceState and getZipcode 00:00:58
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Method onCreateView 00:01:28
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Method onActivityCreated 00:01:53
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Implementing LocationLoadedListener 00:01:38
- SingleForcastFragment.java: Implementing ForecastListener 00:03:00
- ReadLocationTask.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:06:19
- ReadLocationTask.java: Nested interface LocationLoadedListener and ReadLocationTask's constructor 00:00:51
- ReadLocationTask.java: Method doInBackground and onPostExecute 00:06:56
- ReadForecastTask.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:02:22
- ReadForecastTask.java: ForecastListener interface, constructor and setSampleSize method 00:01:48
- ReadForecastTask.java: Methods doInBackground and onPostExecute 00:06:54
- ReadForecastTask.java: Method getIconBitmap 00:02:07
- ReadForecastTask.java: Method readForecast 00:02:40
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:04:08
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Overloaded newInstance methods 00:00:42
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Methods onCreate and getZipcode 00:00:27
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Method onCreateView 00:02:58
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Implementing LocationLoadedListener 00:01:06
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Implementing FiveDayForecastLoadedLoadedListener 00:00:54
- FiveDayForecastFragment.java: Method loadForecastIntoView 00:01:29
- ReadFiveDayForecast.java: package statement, import statements, fields and nested interface FiveDayForecastLoadedListener 00:01:31
- ReadFiveDayForecast.java: Constructor 00:00:25
- ReadFiveDayForecast.java: Method doInBackground 00:04:31
- ReadFiveDayForecast.java: Methods readDailyForecast and onPostExecute 00:02:53
- DailyForecast.java: Class DailyForecast encapsulates a single day's weather information 00:01:03
- WeatherProvider.java: package statement, import statements and constant 00:03:42
- WeatherProvider.java: Methods onUpdate, getZipcode and onReceive 00:02:29
- WeatherProvider.java: Method startUpdateService 00:01:09
- WeatherProvider.java: Nested class WeatherService 00:03:02
- WeatherProvider.java: Nested class WeatherService's onForecastLoaded method 00:04:45
- WeatherProvider.java: Nested class WeatherService's nested listener class WeatherServiceLocationLoadedListener 00:02:16
- Lesson 15: Pizza Ordering App
- Test-driving the Pizza Ordering app 00:03:52
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:00:41
- Reviewing the main.xml, strings.xml and arrays.xml files 00:01:36
- Pizza.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:03:17
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:04:36
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity method onResume 00:05:21
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity method onPause 00:00:56
- Pizza.java: Method loadResources 00:01:18
- Pizza.java: Method playFirstMessage 00:02:01
- Pizza.java: Method utteranceCompleted 00:04:58
- Pizza.java: Method listen 00:01:50
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity method onActivityResult 00:06:13
- Pizza.java: Methods playError and reset 00:00:54
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity methods onSaveInstanceState and onRestoreInstanceState 00:01:09
- Pizza.java: Method sendMessage 00:03:04
- Pizza.java: Handler viewUpdateHandler for updating the GUI 00:02:45
- Pizza.java: Method allowUserToQuit 00:00:51
- Pizza.java: Overriding Activity method onDestroy 00:00:21
- Lesson 16: Voice Recorder App
- Test-driving the Voice Recorder app 00:05:38
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:00:45
- main.xml: Layout for the VoiceRecorder Activity 00:01:26
- name_edittext.xml: Layout for the custom AlertDialog used to name a recording 00:00:30
- saved_recordings.xml: Layout for the SavedRecordings ListActivity 00:02:46
- saved_recordings_row.xml: Custom ListView item layout for the SavedRecordings ListActivity 00:01:40
- play_pause_drawable.xml: Drawable for the Play/Pause Button 00:03:16
- VoiceRecorder.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:01:25
- VoiceRecorder.java: Overriding Activity methods onCreate, onResume and onPause 00:03:03
- VoiceRecorder.java: OnCheckedChangedListener recordButtonListener starts and stops a recording 00:07:35
- VoiceRecorder.java: Runnable updateVisualizer updates the VisualizerView 00:02:17
- VoiceRecorder.java: OnClickListener saveButtonListener allows the use to save a new recording 00:03:26
- VoiceRecorder.java: OnClickListener deleteButtonListener allows the user to delete a new recording 00:01:10
- VoiceRecorder.java: OnClickListener viewSavedRecordingsListener launches the SavedRecordings ListActivity 00:00:50
- VisualizerView.java: package statement, import statements, fields and constructor 00:02:30
- VisualizerView.java: Overriding View method onSizeChanged 00:01:22
- VisualizerView.java: Methods clear and addAmplitude 00:01:19
- VisualizerView.java: Overriding View method onDraw 00:01:59
- SavedRecordings.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:02:14
- SavedRecordings.java: Activity methods onCreate, onResume and onPause 00:01:34
- SavedRecordings.java: Nested class SavedRecordingsAdapter (subclass of ArrayAdapter) 00:04:31
- SavedRecordings.java: OnClickListener emailButtonListener allows the user to send a recording 00:02:31
- SavedRecordings.java: OnClickListener deleteButtonListener allows the user to delete a saved recording 00:01:21
- SavedRecordings.java: Overriding ListActivity method onListItemClick 00:03:54
- SavedRecordings.java: OnSeekBarChangedListener progressChangedListener allows the user to seek to a specific position in the cur 00:01:30
- SavedRecordings.java: Runnable updater changes the SeekBar's thumb position based on the current playback position in a recordin 00:01:32
- SavedRecordings.java: OnCheckedChangedListener playPauseButtonListener allows the user to play and pause the currently selected 00:01:18
- Lesson 17: Address Book app
- Test-driving the Enhanced Address Book app 00:04:10
- Reviewing the AndroidManifest.xml file 00:01:23
- addressbook_menu.xml: Updated menu for the AddressBook Activity 00:00:35
- view_contact_menu.xml: Updated menu for the ViewContact Activity 00:00:42
- device_chooser_layout.xml and device_layout.xml: Layout for the DeviceChooser ListActivity and layout for its ListView items 00:01:29
- AddressBook.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:07:18
- AddressBook.java: Updated Activity methods onCreate and onResume 00:03:19
- AddressBook.java: Updated Activity method onOptionsItemSelected 00:02:05
- AddressBook.java: Activity method onActivityResult 00:02:39
- AddressBook.java: Method listenForContact and nested class ReceiveContactTask 00:07:03
- AddressBook.java: Utility method displayToastViaHandler 00:00:50
- ViewContact.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:01:52
- ViewContact.java: Updated Activity method onCreate 00:00:36
- ViewContact.java: Updated Activity method onOptionsItemSelected 00:01:52
- ViewContact.java: Overriding Activity method onActivityResult 00:01:46
- ViewContact.java: Nested class SendContactTask sends a contact to a remote device using a background thread 00:04:10
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: package statement, import statements and fields 00:02:24
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: Overriding Activity method onCreate 00:04:43
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: Overriding Activity method onDestroy 00:00:38
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: Method startDiscovery 00:01:04
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: Implementing the OnItemClickListener deviceListItemClickListener 00:01:10
- DeviceChooserActivity.java: BroadcastReceiver deviceChooserReceiver listens for broadcast Intents that indicate when a device is 00:02:10
- Lesson 18: HTML5 Favorite Twitter Searches App
- Test-Driving the HTML5 Favorite Twitter Searches App 00:06:41
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.html: HTML5 document for the Favorite Twitter Searches web app 00:11:34
- style.css: Styles used in the Favorite Twitter Searches app 00:06:28
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Variable tags and function start 00:03:09
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Function loadSearches 00:11:01
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Function clearAllSearches 00:00:56
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Function saveSearch 00:01:33
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Functon deleteTag 00:00:45
- FavoriteTwitterSearches.cs: Function editTag 00:02:08
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