Lynda - Building Adaptive Android Apps with Fragments - 164465
Lynda - Building Adaptive Android Apps with Fragments
One of the most common issues Android developers face is market fragmentation: the variations in screen size and pixel density among the thousands of phones, tablets, and even desktop computers that run Android. The Fragments API (introduced in Android 3.0) helps you deal with this issue. This course teaches Android developers how to program with the Fragments API, and build apps that work well on a wide variety of devices. David Gassner shows how to define different fragment layouts and add them to activities with XML or Java, create layouts for different screens and use a resource alias to select the right layout at runtime, and communicate between activities and fragments. He'll also show you how to make fragments work on older versions of Android, with the support library, and use fragments to display dialogs and preference screens.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1. Getting Started
  • 2. Adding Fragments to Activities
  • 3. Creating Layouts for Multiple Screens
  • 4. Communicating between Activities and Fragments
  • 5. Using Fragments in Gingerbread and Froyo
  • 6. Other Uses of Fragments
  • Conclusion
  • Lynda - Building Adaptive Android Apps with Fragments

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