Python Django: REST API Crash Course for Beginners - 2023
Python Django: REST API Crash Course for Beginners - 2023
Learn how to build REST API's in Django | Theory and hands-on demonstrations


Welcome! I'm here to teach you how to build a simple api for your Django web application.

This course is primarily intended for developers who have a basic knowledge of Django and want to learn how to build their very own API's according to the best practices.

If you have primarily front-end development skills you'll be able to master the hidden language of the backend, since you will understand what is happening 'under the hood'. This will give you more confidence and broaden your understanding of how the front-end and back-end communicate with each other.

Whether you are taking this course to just understand the fundamentals of how to build your rest api or because you want to create a simple application. Rest assured this course is for you. 


By the end of this course you will be able to:

- Create a virtual environment

- Initialise the DRF (Django Rest Framework)

- Create your serializer

- Create your view endpoints

- Handle POST, GET, PUT and DELETE requests

- Learn how to consume your API

- Understand one of the most complex concepts in back-end development

- Create a CRUD API

- Create a Register and Login API

I want to help YOU to build your very own REST API with Python and Django.


The Python Django: Build a Simple REST API for Beginners course has been structured in a simple and logical order. Everything that has been designed from the styling to the graphics and topics covered is crafted with the absolute duty of care towards the student.

Python Django: REST API Crash Course for Beginners - 2023

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