Downie supports more than 1,000 popular sites, such as YouTube (including 4K videos), Vimeo, MetaCafe, iView, Facebook and many others. Choose the quality and format of the downloaded file and enjoy your favorite videos.
List of supported services: Supported services: YouTube, Vimeo, trailers.apple.com, CNBC, NHL, LiveLeak, Insanee, Daily Haha, BlipTV, DotSub, Daily Motion, Over Stream, eHow, Devil Ducky, PlayFM, PBS, Vine.Co, MetaCafe, iView, Bofunk, MadiaSilo, MTV, V-Vids, 15min.lt, Break.com, CollegeHumor, eBaum's World, eSPN.go.com, NicoVideo.jp, NoiseTrade, On.AOL, Billboard, Cook's Illustrated, FunnyOrDie, MLB, Bloomberg, Craftsy, Facebook, Kickstarter, Lynda, NBC News, Rotten Tomatoes, Slashdot, South Park Studios, Video Detective, etc. Requires OS X 10.11 or later Home Page - http://software.charliemonroe.net/downie.php
YouTube, Vimeo, trailers.apple.com, CNBC, NHL, LiveLeak, Insanee, Daily Haha,
BlipTV, DotSub, Daily Motion, Over Stream, eHow, Devil Ducky, PlayFM, PBS, Vine.Co,
MetaCafe, iView, Bofunk, MadiaSilo, MTV, V-Vids, 15min.lt, Break.com, CollegeHumor,
EBaum's World, ESPN.go.com, NicoVideo.jp, NoiseTrade, On.AOL, Billboard, Cook's Illustrated,
FunnyOrDie, MLB, Bloomberg, Craftsy, Facebook, Kickstarter, Lynda, NBC News,
Rotten Tomatoes, Slashdot, South Park Studios, Video Detective, etc.
What's New in Downie 3.0?
Top Rated News
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- Creatoom
- Creature Art Teacher
- Creator Foundry
- Patreon Collections
- Udemy - Turkce
- BigFilms
- Jerry Ghionis
- BigMediumSmall
- Boom Library
- Globe Plants
- Unleashed Education
- The School of Photography
- Visual Education
- LeartesStudios - Cosmos
- Fxphd
- All Veer Fancy Collection!
- All OJO Images
- All ZZVe Vectors