CM - Vivid & Bright Gradients 2222950


CM - Vivid & Bright Gradients 2222950

Check out these 15 Bright gradients, a well-thought-out collection of gradient maps, simple fades and mesh gradients. Using loud and bright colors will help your content stand out. Keep in mind, Mix colors properly so that they combine to create an eye-catching image.

Perfect for use on your website backgrounds, app icons, logos, stationery sets, leaflets, folders and much much more.


Vivid & Bright Gradient pack features the following:

• Meshed A set of 18 multi-colored gradient meshes of all different vibes and combos. The meshes are easy to edit and mix together or choose your own colour combos to complement the ones in the set.

• Blend A set of 8 blend colors gradients. Easy to edit its color hue.



• Each Amazing Gradient is supplied as an Illustrator file, an EPS (both CC and CS6) and a hi-res jpeg.

• Adobe Illustrator and EPS are scalable to any size you need.

• The jpeg files are supplied at 3750 × 5100 pixels, at 300dpi.

• All gradients are set in RGB only.

• Please note, these are not supplied as actions or presets.


CM - Vivid & Bright Gradients 2222950
