travel slideshow, Holiday, photo/video slide show .Movie or tv show opener . Special events . any media opener . trailer, intro, promo quick elegance video , paralax shlideshow , modern reel and any other slideshow photo album or demo reel with elegance paralax titles Here is a new Slideshow with inspirational and beautiful minimal titles business, clean, corporate, display, dynamic, elegant, gallery, inspiring, parallax, photo, portfolio, promo, scrolling, slideshow, video. Perfect this after effects template for: sport slideshow, photo and video extreme opener. Special events any sport opener, intro, clean, corporate, holiday, dynamic, elegant, gallery, Sport Promo, photo, portfolio, Extreme Promo, scrolling, Motivation Sport, display. Movie or tv show opener and more.
4K Ultra HD Resolution
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26 Places for images and/or videos
9 Places for Texts
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CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC 2015, CC 2017 compatibility