Oreilly - Spring Framework
by | Released July 2013 | ISBN: 0133477258
Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long will provide a walking tour of all of the Spring projects, including: Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Data, Spring Batch, Spring Integration, Spring Security, Spring Social, and more. Josh introduces how to get started building modern day Spring applications while introducing the concepts behind them. In the lessons, Josh guides viewers through a look at the Spring stack and the features designed to support relational data access, NoSQL and big-data access, batch processing, integration and messaging, REST services, mobile clients, OAuth-secured, connected web applications, service provider APIs, and more!About the Author:Josh Long is the Spring developer advocate, an editor on the Java queue for InfoQ.com, and author. Josh has spoken at many different industry conferences internationally including TheServerSide Java Symposium, SpringOne, OSCON, JavaZone, Devoxx, Java2Days and many others. When he's not hacking on code for SpringSource, he can be found at the local Java User Group or at the local coffee shop. Josh likes solutions that push the boundaries of the technologies that enable them. His interests include scalability, BPM, grid processing, mobile computing and so-called “smart” systems. He blogs at blog.springsource.orgor joshlong.com.RESTful Web APIs with Spring LiveLessonsSpring Developer Advocate Josh Long demonstrates how to write REST services and how to manage, secure and consume them using Spring Boot. Show and hide more
- Introduction
- Introduction to Spring Framework LiveLessons 00:01:55
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:29
- 1.1 Understand why millions of developers use Spring 00:03:46
- 1.2 Explore the SpringSource Tool Suite 00:01:30
- 1.3 Manage application dependencies with Spring 00:08:27
- 1.4 Run your Spring application using ApplicationContext 00:08:06
- Lesson 2: The Life of a Bean
- Learning objectives 00:00:27
- 2.1 Use bean lifecycle callbacks 00:04:14
- 2.2 Use bean scopes 00:07:27
- 2.3 Teach your beans new tricks with Bean(Factory)PostProcessors 00:11:43
- 2.4 Teach your beans new tricks with AOP 00:03:28
- Lesson 3: Power Tools in Core Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:28
- 3.1: Get beans from strange places 00:11:25
- 3.2: Manage threading with Spring 00:04:27
- 3.3: Schedule jobs with Spring 00:02:05
- 3.4: Cache expensive operations with the CacheManager API 00:05:58
- Lesson 4: Relational Data Access with Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:20
- 4.1 Understand common data access support 00:02:19
- 4.2 Manage transactions 00:03:39
- 4.3 Access relational database access with JDBC 00:06:46
- 4.4 Access relational database access with JPA 00:07:12
- Lesson 5: NoSQL Data Access with Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:22
- 5.1 Explore the next generation of data 00:03:44
- 5.2 Communicate with Spring data Redis 00:06:50
- 5.3 Communicate with Spring data MongoDB 00:06:36
- 5.4 Simplify data access with Spring data repositories 00:14:01
- Lesson 6: Batch Processing with Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:22
- 6.1 Understand why batch processing is important 00:03:35
- 6.2 Explore the anatomy of a batch job 00:02:52
- 6.3 Define jobs with XML 00:01:46
- 6.4 Define jobs with Java configuration 00:11:50
- Lesson 7: Integration and Messaging in Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:28
- 7.1 Understand common messaging idioms in Spring 00:02:27
- 7.2 Work with a JMS broker 00:09:32
- 7.3 Work with AMQP and RabbitMQ support 00:11:18
- 7.4 Understand enterprise application integration (EAI) 00:21:26
- Lesson 8: Building Web Applications with Spring
- Learning objectives 00:00:36
- 8.1 Understand Spring’s Servlet support 00:03:08
- 8.2 Use Spring MVC 00:16:23
- 8.3 Take a trip back in time 00:06:26
- 8.4 Understand the web's architecture with REST 00:11:16
- 8.5 Build mobile-friendly web applications 00:06:31
- 8.6 Build native Android applications 00:06:31
- 8.7 Explore a more social Spring 00:11:37
- 8.8 Secure web applications with Spring Security 00:09:23
- 8.9 Secure RESTful services with Spring Security OAuth 00:12:17
- Lesson 9: Cloud Foundry
- Learning objectives 00:00:20
- 9.1 Understand Cloud Foundry 00:03:06
- 9.2 Obtain a Cloud Foundry account 00:08:41
- Summary
- Summary of Spring Framework LiveLessons 00:01:01
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