Oreilly - Where Conference 2012: The Business of Location: Complete Video Compilation
by | Released April 2012 | ISBN: 9781449334567
How and where should you incorporate location technology into your products and services? What location technologies are most appropriate for your needs, and what's the right build-or-buy decision? And how will you manage, analyze, and act on all of that data? Today's location data pioneers explored those questions and more during three intensive days at the recent Where 2012 Conference. This video compilation puts you front and center at every tutorial, session, and keynote that took place. Show and hide more Publisher resources View/Submit Errata
- Where Conference: Day 1
- Maps for Our Urban Species - Scott Rafer 00:16:02
- Telling Stories with Maps - Noah Iliinsky 00:33:40
- Telling Stories with Maps - Noah Iliinsky 00:38:36
- Map Scripting with Style - Adam DuVander 00:40:49
- Hey Startups, SoLoMoCo is No Longer 'Emerging'. Stop Acting Like It Is - Mike Schneider 00:13:49
- Map Scripting with Style - Adam DuVander 00:36:01
- Getting Started with the Google Maps API - Kathryn Hurley and Andres Ferrate 00:28:26
- Getting Started with the Google Maps API - Kathryn Hurley and Andres Ferrate 00:38:20
- Noise Reduction: Cutting Through The Clutter With Relevant, Intuitive Engines - Vijay Bangaru 00:14:00
- The New Age of Interactive Marketing: Creating One to One Relationships with Mobile - Dorrian Porter 00:11:28
- Hunch Global: Mining and Visualizing the Local Search Taste Graph - Harold Cooper 00:10:06
- Prototyping Location Apps With Big Data - Matt Biddulph 00:28:26
- Prototyping Location Apps With Big Data - Matt Biddulph 00:38:20
- A Deep Dive Into Using The HTML5 GeoLocation API with PhoneGap - Steven Gill 00:40:14
- A Deep Dive Into Using The HTML5 GeoLocation API with PhoneGap - Steven Gill 00:34:53
- Building Imaginary Worlds: SketchUp and Custom Street View - Mano Marks and Adam Hecht 00:32:14
- Building Imaginary Worlds: SketchUp and Custom Street View - Mano Marks and Adam Hecht 00:29:28
- Case Study: PayPal - Elena Krasnoperova 00:12:17
- Case Study: Iowa, Location and Evolution of Plastic Networks - Ben Milne 00:09:50
- Case Study: LevelUp - Chris Mahl 00:11:59
- The Essential Guide to Location Marketing - Asif Khan 00:10:50
- Connecting Digital Shoppers to the Analog World Via Their Phones - Jack Abraham 00:11:15
- Q&A with Brady Forrest, Dwolla, LevelUp, and PayPal - Brady Forrest, Ben Milne, and Chris Mahl 00:12:07
- Part 1 - A Guidebook to Advanced Mapping Techniques - Sha Hwang 00:33:45
- Part 2 - A Guidebook to Advanced Mapping Techniques - Sha Hwang 00:34:23
- Leveraging Google's Consumer Mapping Platform in the Enterprise - Sean Maday 00:37:01
- Leveraging Google's Consumer Mapping Platform in the Enterprise - Sean Maday 00:35:17
- Location Based Mobile Advertising: By the Numbers - Michael Boland 00:18:10
- Are $400 CPMs Possible? - Anne Bezancon 00:10:01
- An Open Web Mapping Tool Box - Dave Cole and Tom MacWright 00:50:33
- How 00:08:52
- Timeliness and Personalization to Understand Location - Akshay Patil 00:11:29
- Realworld & Realtime GeoAnalytics - Bradley Voytek 00:53:52
- Zero to Hero: Building a Mobile, Cloud-based, Check-in App in 75 Minutes - David Martinez and Allan Laframboise 00:51:35
- HTML5: Advanced data visualization with Google Maps API - Josh Livni and Brendan Kenny 00:58:44
- Stories to Heal a City - Daniel Harris 00:10:01
- The Psychographics of Place - Michael Metcalf 00:09:21
- Global Brands Go Local With Social - Amy Millard 00:08:41
- Harnessing Video for Realtime Merchandising and Customer Engagement - Matthew Kovinsky 00:10:54
- Taking Mapping to the Billions - Ellen Dunne 00:11:13
- Tweet-a-Beer and the Art of Marketing Yourself - Daniel Wood 00:10:02
- Untappd: Bridging the Gap Between Location and Beer - Greg Avola 00:09:10
- Bing Maps for Windows 8 - Johannes Kebeck 00:30:49
- Bing Maps for Windows 8 - Johannes Kebeck 00:41:55
- Power of Place - Akshay Patil, Andrew Hogue, and Ben Lee 00:34:20
- Power of Place - Akshay Patil, Andrew Hogue, and Ben Lee 00:32:26
- Geotargeting Content on Facebook: NPR's Experiment in Local Engagement - Keith Hopper 00:13:30
- Context Trumps Location--But Brand Backs Them All! - Margot Bloomstein and Sara Wachter-Boettcher 00:10:14
- A Brave New World: Providing Context For What Is Possible And Probable - Charlene Li 00:20:02
- Top New Privacy Issues for all Location Companies - Alysa Z. Hutnik 00:15:49
- Designing Fast and Beautiful Maps - Eric Gundersen and Tom MacWright 00:09:24
- Putting Place in Social, Putting Social in it's Place - Mano Marks and Julia Ferraioli 00:44:35
- GIS Without the Box - Bern Szukalski and Jeff Archer 00:06:34
- The Dead Pool and The Also Rans - Sophia Parafina 00:09:18
- Where Conference: Day 2
- Responsive Design The Future of Mapping - Bruce Daniel 00:10:07
- Stratocam: Discovering The World's Best Satellite Imagery - Paul Rademacher 00:10:29
- What the MAC? - Toby Boudreaux 00:06:18
- When To *Not* Use Maps - Noah Iliinsky 00:10:33
- Grassroots Mapping Flight Demo - Mathew Lippincott and Stewart Long 00:04:03
- Location, Context, And Preferences: The Perfect Push Messaging Cocktail - Scott Kveton 00:07:35
- Contagions, Conquest, & Quarantines: Mapping Disease From Venice to Houston - Thomas Goetz 00:20:11
- Data and Algorithm Driven Commerce - Mok Oh 00:27:17
- Dwolla: Ubiquity by Design - Ben Milne 00:08:31
- Building a Data Narrative: Discovering Haight Street - Jesper Andersen 00:21:57
- Story Mapping - Adding Narrative to Place - Daniel Harris 00:24:19
- Location, Social, and Mobile - The Key Foundations of a Marketplace Model - Leah Busque 00:10:53
- A Privacy Friendly Approach To 'Big Geo Data' Analysis - Duncan McCall 00:20:05
- Automated Engagement: Electronic Receipts & the Future of Geo - Tyler Bell 00:18:19
- How Open is Open? Five Years Later ... - Ian White 00:29:12
- Platform, APIs & Apps: Building The 00:19:08
- Overcoming the Challenges of Indoor Navigation - Nick Farina 00:18:26
- StreetEasy's Stack - Sebastian Delmont 00:19:48
- Serendipity as a Service - Gabe Smedresman 00:43:35
- Just in Time Analytics: Making Answers Keep up with Data - Sean Gorman 00:35:33
- Create, Share, And Consume Great Maps With ArcGIS Online - David Martinez and Jeff Archer 00:31:15
- OS Geo Projects - Zain Memon, Georgy Potapov, Vladimir Ermakov, Javier de la Torre, Sam Lanier, Ryan Avila, Nicholas Clayton-Syr 00:30:08
- Uber's Stack - Curtis Chambers 00:08:53
- Twitter's Stack - Raffi Krikorian 00:14:35
- GeoIQ's Stack - Andrew Turner 00:18:44
- CartoDB: How Working With Geospatial Data Can Be A Joy and Not A Pain - Javier de la Torre 00:47:25
- Geobrowsing with Google Earth - Tips and Tricks from the Google Earth Team - Peter Birch, Brendan Kenny, Sean Askay, and Julien 00:32:15
- Building The Augmented City - Trak Lord 00:43:54
- Where 2012: Launch Presentations - Michael Bauer, Paul Rademacher, Jon Tirmandi, Alex Gaber, Jaak Laineste, Perry Evans, and Da 00:30:04
- UpNext's Stack - Raj Advani 00:10:27
- Trulia's Stack - Sha Hwang 00:08:31
- 360Cities Stack - Jeffrey Martin 00:07:25
- Life after Mercator - Sha Hwang 00:40:51
- Life after Mercator - Sha Hwang 00:40:51
- Why Persistent Sensing Is Changing the Landscape of Mobile Apps? - Sam Liang 00:35:14
- To Google or Not to Google? Cost/Benefit Analysis Of Rolling Your Own Maps - Sebastian Delmont 00:34:35
- TaskRabbit's Stack - Brian Leonard 00:10:25
- Airbnb's Photo Stack - Joe Zadeh 00:09:27
- Where Conference: Day 3
- News Through Data - Jer Thorp 00:12:35
- Startup Showcase Winner Demo #1 00:01:52
- The Microwork Revolution - Leila Janah 00:11:56
- Startup Showcase Winner Demo #2 00:02:07
- Startup Showcase Winner Demo #3 00:01:37
- Startup Showcase Winner Demo #3 00:02:15
- Ambient Location and the Future of the Interface - Amber Case 00:10:15
- Gaming Reality - Will Wright 00:20:08
- Ultramapping: The New Geospatial Awareness - Adam Greenfield 00:09:47
- Insights Through Shared Space - Mary Ann de Lares Norris 00:14:20
- Perch - Perry Evans 00:03:28
- Why Your Where Is Not Theirs - Robert Munro 00:10:44
- How LBS Is Used To Build Egypt 2.0 - Adel Youssef 00:11:51
- To Map an Entire Country - Kate Chapman 00:19:40
- The Law of Government Access to Location Data - Nicole Ozer 00:20:27
- A Year in the life of Google Crisis Response - Pete Giencke 00:24:03
- How Do You Reverse Geocode Indoors? - Dave Sutter 00:15:06
- Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should - Paul Wickman 00:21:55
- Narratives of a Post-User Internet: Infomorphs and Physical Locations - Luke Robert Mason, David Bausola, and Dan O'Hara 00:26:53
- How Tablets are Changing the Face of Maps - Danny Moon 00:18:21
- What's New in the Google Maps API - Thor Mitchell 00:30:47
- Uber: Connecting Geodata For and About Users - Bradley Voytek 00:22:28
- Microtasking Satellite Imagery Analysis for Disaster Response - Patrick Meier 00:20:29
- Health Where It Happens - Moderated by: Deborah Estrin - Panelists: Halle Tecco, Jen McCabe, Kendra Markle, and Bill Davenhall 00:34:17
- Geo-Government: The New Information EcoSystem for Government - Moderated by: Robert Greenberg - Panelists: Chris McIntosh, Charl 00:59:55
- Realtime Map Collaboration - Mick Thompson 00:24:44
- Drawing Outside The Lines - Eric Rodenbeck 00:34:01
- Are Mobile Maps Making Us Dumber? - Arne Ekstrom 00:45:47
- In-Depth with Local SEO - Rand Fishkin 00:47:47
- Hunting The Elusive SMB...How To Reach A Highly Fragmented Media Buyer - Moderated by: Michael Boland - Panelists: Wiley Cerilli 00:43:13
- Native vs HTML5 & an Argument to Incorporate Both - Bo Fishback and Eric Koester 00:34:34
- Map Innovation Award 00:02:37
- VC Insight - Brady Forrest 00:43:17
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