CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67


File Types: EPS,AI, SVG, CSH, ZIP, All Files | File Size: 333.81 MB | Tileable: Yes | Layered: Yes | Vector: Yes
 Dimensions: 24 x 24 px, 30 x 30 px, 48 x 48 px, 60 x 60 px, 90 x 90 px, 96 x 96 px, 120 x 120 px
The World’s Sharpest Icons. 3,100 unique icons in 68 different categories. Drawn by hand and designed to perfection. The new generation of icons that will enhance your daily work flow.


✔ Pixel Perfect, Guaranteed. All icons are designed to precision on a grid system which ensures consistency and the sharpest display. We use a 24px grid for Android and 30px grid for iOS.


✔ Customizable Icons. You can easily change the color, size, orientation, shadow and more. By using our icons' Smart Strokes with Illustrator or Sketch to adjust the stroke width and thickness.


✔ Line & Solid Versions With two different icon styles, you are getting over 6,200 line & solid icons. We are constantly updating our icon packages. In other words, you will never have to purchase icons again!


✔ An Easy Way to Search For Your Icons! Full access to the Iconjar application. Searching for your icons has never been this easy. Import the 4200 icons into the application with one click. They are already categorized and keyword friendly. Mac Only!


✔ iOS READY iOS Ready with Retina Display. High-end icons at 30, 60 and 90 pixels. iOS Design Style Outlined icons ready to use on iOS applications and designs. No compromises! The Icon54 iOS collection is designed and optimized for iOS screens to provide matched visual quality on iOS screens.


✔ ANDROID READ & High-end icons at 24 pixels mdpi and 48 pixels xhdpi. Android Design StylenGlyph icons ready to use on Android applications and designs. No compromise! The Icons Mind Android collection is designed and optimized to provide matched visual quality on Android devices.


✔ STROKE LINE CONTROL You can easily change icons layers size with smart stroke.


✔ SEMANTIC SVG ICONS Our SVG code gives you the creative freedom you want with our impressive collection!




EPS (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line filled. EPS (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line smart stroke. EPS (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style. All EPS files come with grid system for the sizes (24px, 30px, 48px, 60px).


AI (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line filled. AI (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line smart stroke. AI (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style. All EPS files come with grid system for the sizes (24px, 30px, 48px, 60px).


SKETCH (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line filled. SKETCH (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style. All SKETCH files come with grid system for the sizes (24px, 30px, 48px, 60px).


SVG (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line style. SVG (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style. All SVG files come with grid system for the sizes (24px, 30px, 48px, 60px, 96px, 120px). All SVG icons separated.


CSH (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line style. CSH (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style.


PNG (3,100 icons) - ☆ Line style. PNG (3,100 icons) - ★ Solid style. All PNG files come with grid system for the sizes (24px, 30px, 48px, 60px, 90px, 96px, 120px). All PNG icons separated.


WEB FONTS - EOT, TTF, WOFF Perfect for developers to customize size, color, rotation, shadow, etc. using CSS. + HTML FOR FULL PREVIEW FOR THE ICONS MORE INFOS VISIT US AT 



CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67
CM - Icon54 - 3,100 Perfect Icons 778063 - $67




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