BackupBuddy v9.0.0 - Nulled

BackupBuddy v9.0.0 - Nulled

complete wordpress website backupscheduled, automatic backupsstore wordpress backups off-siterestore your wordpress sitecustomize backup contentsrestore wordpress with importbuddy

user envator     

PixelYourSite Pro v9.10.6.1 - Nulled

PixelYourSite Pro v9.10.6.1 - Nulled

Prepare your site for Custom Audiences and Custom ConversionsUse Events and Dynamic EventsThe WatchVideo EventThe AdSense EventUse your client’s Lifetime Value (Facebook recommended strategy)WooCommerce Facebook Pixel IntegrationEasy Digital Downloads Facebook Pixel Integration

user envator     

WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium v2.3.0 - Nulled

WooCommerce Multi Currency Premium v2.3.0 - Nulled

Auto update exchange rate: The plugin automatically update exchange rates. You can set the time for the automatical update: every 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month.Successful update exchange rate email: The plugin will send a notification email whenever it updates the exchange rate.Set exchange rate manually: The plugin also allows to set up the exchange rate manually.Exchange fee: Every time you exchange money from one currency to another, the bank or money transfer operator may apply a currency exchange fee. The difference between the exchange rate they decide to apply and the real exchange rate traded in the market is the currency exchange fee. WooCommerce Multi Currency allows you to add permanent exchange fees to exchange rates.Price formatting: Config how prices are displayed on front-end. Example: $100; $ 100; 100,00$; 100.00$ …Custom currency symbol: You can custom currency symbols. Example: United States Dollar can be displayed as USD, US$, $…Fixed Price: WooCommerce Multi Currency allows you to set up custom prices in different currencies in every product. The fixed prices will overwrite the prices calculated by exchange rates.Hidden Currency: The plugin allows you to hide currencies which you do not want it to be shown on the front-end.Select currency exchange rate sever: You can select to update the exchange rate from, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance. More exchange rate server will be added in future.Use SESSION: The plugin will use session instead of cookies to save the selected currency.Currency Price Switcher: A switcher appears under the product price. Allow customers to switch the price between currencies.

user envator     

Loginizer v1.8.1 - Nulled

Loginizer v1.8.1 - Nulled

Perform a MD5 checksum for CORE files of your website to know if someone changed anything or added malicious code in it.reCAPTCHA protects your website from fraud and abuse using complex challenges to block malicious activities on website.Apply a challenge question on the login page so no one without that information can log into your website.Completely disable login with password. Just enter the username/email, you will receive an email with the link to login.Add a two-step security layer for login. Configure a two-factor authentication via email for secure login.Configure a two-factor authentication via mobile or authenticator apps for secure login.You can change the wp-login.php link to a custom one so only you know the login link and no one else will be able to login.Disable pingbacks so the users can't pingback your website and are safe from a DDOS attack.Disable/Rename the XML-RPC and prevent brute force on the xmlrpc.php page which is open by default in WordPress.

user envator     

Discounts For WooCommerce Subscriptions v3.0.0 - Nulled

Discounts For WooCommerce Subscriptions v3.0.0 - Nulled

Discounts work with both simple and variable subscription productsTwo ways to assign discounts: fixed prices and percentage discountsIndividual discounts based on user rolesDisplay discount tables on product pages to explain discount policyCustomize text explainers and discount table headings to outline the benefitsChoose to display or hide discount tables from product pagesApply discounts rules for existing subscriptionsCustomize the discount table placement on product pagesUse negative values for discounts to increase the cost of subscription renewalsThe user account, cart, checkout, and service emails show current discounts and potential discount upgradesAdjustments to the wp-admin area to help you track down and forecast subscription discountsAll functions work with subscription plans made with help of the All Products for Subscriptions extension as well as with subscription-based productsAll Products for Subscriptions implies the use of Simple, Variable, or Bundles products a

user envator     

WooCommerce Product Vendors v2.2.2 - Nulled

WooCommerce Product Vendors v2.2.2 - Nulled

Create a marketplace that can sell anything. From physical, hand-made products to digital downloads like photographs, themes, fonts, audio or video and even time-based bookings with our integration with WooCommerce Bookings.Continue selling your own products. Display vendor products for sales right alongside your own products.Set vendor specific commission rates. Incentivise new vendors to join your marketplace or reward loyal or high earning with vendor specific commission rates – while still setting a separate base commission rate across your marketplace.Reduce your admin. Allow vendors to manage their own products. Give vendors the ability to manage their own products.Don’t pay commissions on orders that are not completed. Set commissions to only be assigned to vendors once the order is the completed.Stay on of top of your marketplace with sales reports. Get an overall view of vendor sales, commissions and earnings per month by vendor.Delay commission payments to account for returns. Use PayPal Mass Payments to delay commission payments in case of returns on physical products.

user envator     

WooCommerce Points And Rewards v1.7.43 - Nulled

WooCommerce Points And Rewards v1.7.43 - Nulled

Easily define how many points are earned for purchases, and the value of points for discounts.Control the maximum discount that can be earned using points at the cart, category, or product level.Award customers points for actions like signing up or writing a product review.Apply points earned to all previous orders so customers can start redeeming points for discounts immediatelyQuickly adjust the points balance for a customerView a log of all points changes made for customers

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium v3.26.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium v3.26.0 - Nulled

Select wishlist page

Select where displaying shortcode “add to wishlist”

Customise columns that will be shown in wishlist table

Show “Add to Cart” button in wishlist table

Show the date when the product has been added to the wishlist (only for logged users)

Remove items from wishlist after having added them to the cart

Redirect to checkout page after adding items to the cart

Share wishlist on social channels (for logged users only)

Fully customize colors and style

View wishlists created (by logged users)

View of popular products (added to wishlists)

Enable/disable wishlist features for unlogged users, except for the multi-wishlist and sharing features

Show a notice to unlogged users: invite them to log in to benefit from all wishlist functionalities

Allow users to create as many wishlists as they want

Allow users to manage wishlists, rename and delete them, add or remove items

Allow users to search registered wishlists and to display them

Allow users to set visibility options for each wishlist, by making them either public (visible to anyone), private (visible to owner only) or shared (visible only to people it has been shared with)

Show multiple “Add to Cart” buttons in wishlist table

Show “Ask an estimate” button to let customers send the content of their wishlist to the admin and get a quotation

Add optional notes to quote request

Admin can send a promotional email to users who have added a specific product to their wishlist

Allow users to move an element from a wishlist to another one directly from the wishlist table

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice And Shipping List Premium v4.12.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice And Shipping List Premium v4.12.0 - Nulled

Automatic progressive invoice numbering

Customize your invoice number with prefix and suffix

Reset invoice number at the beginning of the year

Manual invoice generation

Automatic invoice generation according to the order status

Show invoice in the browser or download it onto your device

Editable invoice template

Manage company logo and company name

Manage notes that have to be shown on the invoice

Generate shipping list documents

Editable shipping list template

Customers download invoices from their own “Orders” page

Customize folder name where saving invoices

Manage proforma invoices

Ask optionally SSN and VAT number during checkout and add these values to invoices

Automatic backup of each generated file directly from your Dropbox account.

Customize file names for invoices, shipping list documents, and proforma invoices, using placeholders.

Customize notes and footer shown on the proforma invoice

Customize notes and footer shown on the shipping list

Invoice template with the possibility to select the information shown

Shipping list template with the possibility to select information to be shown

Proforma invoice template with the possibility to select information to be shown

Customers can download the proforma invoice for each new order from their “Orders” page.

Possibility to insert information about order and user to PDF documents, by specifying the related 'meta key'

Possibility to overwrite document template from code

Possibility to enable preview mode to generate sample invoices without modifying the numeration

Show in invoice the total amount of order inclusive of the discount applied

Insert the order tracking data into the delivery note (available with the premium version of YITH WooCommerce Order Tracking)

user envator     

YITH FAQ Plugin For WordPress Premium v2.15.0 - Nulled

YITH FAQ Plugin For WordPress Premium v2.15.0 - Nulled

Add a search bar to your FAQ page

Add a category filter to your FAQ page

Create shortcodes automatically based on your wishes

Customize the lay-out colors

Choose among different display styles

Insert shordcode in page via dedicated shortcode option

user envator     

YITH Desktop Notifications For WooCommerce Premium v1.28.0 - Nulled

YITH Desktop Notifications For WooCommerce Premium v1.28.0 - Nulled

Enable notifications for the following conditions:

a specific product has been sold

a new order has been created

the order changed its status

the order has been refunded

the product turned into 'Out of Stock' status

Limit the notification only to users with a specific associated role

Customize the notification text

Customize the notification icon and sound

Upload new icons (.png, .jpg) and sounds (.mp3)

Set the duration to show the notification

Play the sound for the whole duration of the notification

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page v4.2.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Customize My Account Page v4.2.0 - Nulled

2 styles: sidebar or tab

Customize the color scheme

Users can change their avatar with a custom image

Sort freely the available endpoints of 'My Account' page

Edit the following information for any endpoint:

name (showed in the URL)

label (showed in the general list of the endpoints)


content of the section

Edit or delete standard endpoints of WooCommerce

Create all endpoints you want

Possibility to create groups of endpoints

Show the endpoint only to specific user roles in the site

Deactivate temporarily one endpoint


user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder Premium v1.34.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Review Reminder Premium v1.34.0 - Nulled

Select the type of email you want to send to your users (HTML/text)

Customise email content

Use the standard email template

Admin can remove users from reminder list by adding the user's email address manually

See all users who do not want to receive any more reminder emails in a blocklist

Select either the standard WooCommerce template or one among 3 custom email templates

Send a test email

Users can unsubscribe, using a specific form, so that they do not receive any more review reminders

Select the number of days after purchase before a review reminder is sent to users

Ask users to review first/last products bought

Ask users to review products bought with highest/lowest quantity

Ask users to review products with highest/lowest individual value

Ask users to review products with highest/lowest total value

Ask users to review products with most/ fewer reviews

Ask users to review products randomly

Reschedule email sending in case settings are changed

The chance to schedule for emails to be sent to all users who performed orders in the days before you installed the plugin

Force email sending, reschedule them or delete them form order detail page

Manage email sending with Mandrill (only if you have a MailChimp account)

Show a list of all scheduled emails

Possibility to configure campaigns to track with Google Analytics

Possibility to use email templates created with YITH WooCommerce Email Templates

Send emails only to the users who consented on the Checkout page

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price v1.27.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Name Your Price v1.27.0 - Nulled



Set an open price on one or more simple products of the shop

Set an open price for simple, variable, and grouped products

Show a suggested price on the product page

Set a minimum/maximum price for a product

Set rules about open prices for each product category

Customize all labels of the plugin

Integration with YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor: vendors can set an open price on any product


user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity Premium v1.34.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Minimum Maximum Quantity Premium v1.34.0 - Nulled

Set minimum required quantity for each product in the cart

Set maximum quantity allowed for each product in the cart

Set a minimum and maximum spend amount in the cart (fees included or excluded)

Set a minimum number of products required in the cart or a maximum number allowed

Set a minimum or maximum number of products in the cart belonging to a specific category

Set a minimum or maximum spend amount for products in the cart belonging to a specific category

Set a minimum or maximum quantity of products in the cart having the same tag

Set a minimum or maximum spend amount for the product in the cart having the same tag

Show all purchase rules on the product page

Enable quantity/amount error messages in cart page and when “Add to cart” button is clicked

Customise quantity/amount error messages

Set purchase rules specific per the single product

Exclude one or more products from applying purchase rules

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status Premium v1.27.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status Premium v1.27.0 - Nulled

Create countless order status, and identify them with unique names and colors

Freedom to overwrite WooCommerce order status

Identify each state with an icon or a textual label

Chance to create new order status for which you can choose the following actions

Enable the elimination of the order, pay the order, and/or the download of possible files for users with each customized status

Inclusion of all orders of a specific state in the WooCommerce report

Customizable emails for all the custom status

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion Premium v2.2.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Category Accordion Premium v2.2.0 - Nulled

Display categories in accordion

Highlight the current category in the related detail page

Show WordPress and/or WooCommerce categories

Freedom to show subcategories

1 widget to show categories in sidebar

Set the level of the subcategories you want to show

Set the number of categories to show

Category sorting by ID, name, or number of associated elements

Freedom to show tag and menu list

Freedom to hide the list in pages, posts and categories

4 styles in which you can customize colors

Choose when accordion should open (hover or click)

Hide empty categories

Choose whether to show the list open or as an accordion

1 shortcode with the same features of the widget

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium v2.21.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium v2.21.0 - Nulled

Assign a specific badge to recent products

Assign a specific badge to “on sale” products

Assign a specific badge to featured products

Assign a specific badge to low stock products New

Set multiple badges specific for each product New

Apply a badge to all unavailable products

Hide badge in single product page

Assign a specific badge to each product category

16 image badges

Set badge opacity

Set options for badge container (border radius, padding, opacity)

3D rotation option for badge New

Set drag&drop anchoring

Upload images for badges

Flip badge text horizontally and vertically New

Possibility to set width and height as 'auto' in text badges New

Show percentage or discount amount through the use of advanced badges

Schedule when you want to show the badge in your products

Add or remove a badge in more products simultaneously

Display WooCommerce 'On sale' badge in products which already have other badges activated

Apply an advanced badge to variable products (all variations have the same price)

Hide badge in sidebar products

Set a badge for any configured shipping class

Enable shop manager to edit badge settings New

100% WPML compatible: it’s possible to set up a badge for each language

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium v4.26.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter Premium v4.26.0 - Nulled

Filter products with the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter widget (4 layouts)

Reset all the applied filters with TITH WooCommerce Ajax Reset Filter widget

Two additional layouts for the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter widget (BiColor, Tags)

100% compatible with the YITH WooCommerce Brands plugin

Customizable reset button (in the YITH WooCommerce Ajax Reset Filter widget)

Search filter for products of a specific range of price with the YITH WooCommerce Ajax List Price Filter widget

Search filter for products on sale/available

Ajax sorting for products displayed in the page (by rate, price, popularity, most recent)

Filter products by category

Upload of an icon as customized loader

Customization of the WooCommerce Price Filter widget

Activate/deactivate the indexing of the generated URLs in search engines for the filter operrations of the plugin

WooCommerce Price Filter in ajax with slider selection

Filter visualization by alphabetical order or by number of products contained

Two layouts for filter visualization

Apply the scroll-top to mobile devices and/or desktop

Support to Ultimate Member plugin

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews v1.32.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Advanced Reviews v1.32.0 - Nulled

Display statistics about rating using bar graphs

Customise bar appearance

Let users attach files to the review

Limit the amount of attachments that can be added to reviews

Let users add a title to reviews

Click on bars to filter reviews according to rating

Let users evaluate individual reviews as useful or not

Let unregistered users vote the reviews

Show evaluation summary for individual review

Let all users or just registered ones vote a review

Open filtered reviews in a modal window

Possibility to set reviews display in blocks of a certain amount of elements to upload through “Load more” function

Filter reviews by “most recent” or “most useful”

Enable reply to reviews

Select users that can reply to a review (none, all, administrators only)

Disable replies on a single review only

Manual approval of the reviews

Users can report a review as inappropriate

Reviews are hidden automatically if they are reported as inappropriate more than a pre-set number of times

Highlight one or more reviews

Choose whether users can add one or more reviews


Reviews can be edited by users

Integrated with Google review snippets: the product rating also shows on Google search pages

user envator     

WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping v2.8.4 - Nulled

WooCommerce Canada Post Shipping v2.8.4 - Nulled

Canada Post is a premium shipping method which let you get shipping rates from Canada Post’s latest Ratings API which handles both domestic and international parcels.Enable additional services such as extra coverage and leaving cards for pickup.Enable/disable, edit the names of, and add costs to servicesPack items individually or using the built in box packer

user envator     

HT Mega Pro v1.7.1 - Nulled

HT Mega Pro v1.7.1 - Nulled

Fully responsive and mobile ready.Unlimited Color and Typography options.Retina ReadyFully Customizable every elementEvery element enable / disable options panel.877 Google Font Supported.Cross Browser Compatible.34 Categories / Template Sets91 Page TemplatesIncluded ElementsAccordion – 9 StylesHeading – 7 StylesBanner Box – 4 StylesBlock Quote – 5 StylesBrand – 7 StylesBusiness Hours – 5 StylesButton – 5 StylesCall To Action – 7 StylesContact Form – 7 StylesCountdown – 7 StylesCounter Up – 6 StylesCustom Carosel – 7 StylesDropcaps – 5 StylesDouble Button – 5 StylesFaq – 5 StylesFlip box – 5 StylesGoogle Map – 5 StylesAnimated Heading – 7 StylesImage Comparison – 5 StylesImage Justify – 5 StylesImage Magnifire – 5 StylesImage Masonary – 5 StylesInstagram – 5 StylesLight Box – 4 StylesInline Menu – 10 StylesUser Login – 5 StylesUser Register – 5 StylesImage Marker – 5 StylesModals – 5 StylesSubscribe News Letter – 5 StylesNews Ticker – 7 StylesNotification – 4 StylesOffcanvas – 4 StylesPanel Slider – 4 StylesPopovers – 4 StylesPost carosel – 5 StylesPost Grid – 5 StylesPost Grid Tab – 5 StylesPost Slider – 5 StylesPricing List View – 3 StylesPricing Table – 7 StylesProgress Bar – 10 StylesScroll Image – 2 StylesScroll Navigation – 4 StylesSearch – 5 StylesServices – 7 StylesSingle Post – 5 StylesSocial Share – 9 StylesSwitcher Share – 9 StylesTab – 5 StylesData Table – 3 StylesTeam Member – 8 StylesTestimonial carosel – 5 StylesTestimonial Grid – 5 StylesThumbnails Gallery – 4 StylesToggle – 3 StylesTool Tip – 4 StylesTwitter Feed – 5 StylesVerticle Timeline – 3 StylesVideo Player – 4 StylesWeather – 3 StylesWorking Process – 4 Styles404 Page Content – 4 StylesBBPressBooked CalenderBuddyPressCaldera FormsDownload monitorEasy digital downloadsEvent CountdownGravity FormsInstagram FeedInstagram FeedJob ManagerLayerSliderNinja FormQU FormTablePressMailChimp for WPWP FormsWooCommerce add to cartWooCommerce CategoryWooCommerce Cart PageWooCommerce Checkout Page

user envator     

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons v4.4.0 - Nulled

YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons v4.4.0 - Nulled


Create unlimited groups of options

The group of options can be applied to:


all the products in the shop

one or more product categories

specifically on single products



Test a group of options and show it only to administrator

Add options to the product, choosing from the following typologies:



radio button




Set dependency between the options

Assign a fixed price to the option according to the product cost

Set extensions for file uploads

Show tooltip for attributes and advanced options

Create unlimited groups of options

Possibility to select the products on which not apply the add-on

Test a group of options and show it only to administrator

Add options to the product, choosing from the following typologies:





label list



radio button







Set dependency between the options

Assign a price to each option:



percentage basing on the product price

multiplied by the string length inserted by the user (only for Text and Textarea type add-ons)

multiplied by the quantity the user inserted in the option (only for “number” type add-ons)



Set the product quantity as a value amount of the number type add-ons New

Set a mandatory option to add products to cart

Set label and description for each option

Set extensions for file uploads

Create attributes of “color” type

Create attributes of “label” type

Create attributes of “image” type

Show attributes description on product page

Show an add-on only when selecting a specified product variation

Replace the product image with the one of the selected add-on

user envator     

YITH Stripe Connect For WooCommerce v2.27.0 - Nulled

YITH Stripe Connect For WooCommerce v2.27.0 - Nulled

Connect Stripe account

Insert an unlimited number of receivers

Assign fixed commission

Assign percentage commission

Associate commissions to sales of all products

Associate commissions to specific products

Postpone commission payments

Pay commission automatically

Pay manual commission directly

Print PDF invoice option (admin and receiver)

Live test modus

Monitor commissions from the dashboard

user envator     

SermonBox - Seasonal Collection

SermonBox - The Series Pack Collection

Top Rated News

  • Christmas Material
  • Laser Cut & Print Design Elements Bundle - ETSY
  • Daz3D - All Materials - SKU 37000-37999
  • Cgaxis - All Product - 2019 - All Retail! - UPDATED!!!
  • DigitalXModels Full Collections
  • Rampant Design Tools Full Collections Total: $4400
  • FilmLooks.Com Full Collection
  • All PixelSquid Product
  • The Pixel Lab Collection
  • Envato Elements Full Sources- 3200+ Files
  • Ui8.NET Full Sources
  • The History of The 20th Century
  • The Dover Collections
  • Snake Interiors Collections
  • Inspirational Collections
  • Veer Fancy Collections
  • All Ojo Images
  • All ZZVE Collections
  • All Sozaijiten Collections
  • All Image Broker Collections
  • Shuterstock Bundle Collections
  • Tattoo Collections
  • Blend Images Collections
  • Authors Tuorism Collections
  • Motion Mile - Big Bundle
  • PhotoBacks - All Product - 2018
  • Dekes Techniques - Photoshop & Illustrator Course - 1 to 673
Telegram GFXTRA Group
Udemy - Turkce Gorsel Ogrenme Setleri - Part 2
Videohive Wow Pack Series
