Lightroom Video Tutorial : Creative Editings !

Lightroom Video Tutorial : Creative Editings !
1HR 20M | Video: 720p | English Subtitle | Lightroom Presets

This video tutorial dedicated to Lightroom is 1h20m long, in which I speak French (English subtitles are included) and in which prominence is given to creativity editings ! The main goal of this video is to show you how to achieve extraordinary photographic looks, and that with a software that's easy to use and very efficient, I mean... Lightroom ! I'll show you different kinds of editings approach, from the standard ones to the more creative ones !

When I decided to work on this video tutorial, I had in mind a very common problematic in photography : inspiration and motivation ! By that, I mean regarding photo editing, regardless of the photographer’s skills, we all go through phases during which we progress and others during which we level off. And these plateau phases… True, they’re annoying but perfectly normal. They’re part of the photographer’s evolution process. But to keep going, to keep growing, what you need, in fact, is inspiration ! You need inspiration, you need to see concrete examples which will provide you with hints on how to keep growing. And, with this new tutorial, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to show you that from a single image, you can achieve different variants, each of them with a brand new atmosphere !

In this video tutorial I'll teach you, step by step, how to achieve creative editings by using Lightroom. And to help you saving time on your next editings, I'm providing you with the 6 presets shown in detail in the video. The install instructions are of course included. And to help you follow and practice very easily all the technics demonstrated in the video, the urban raw file of "La Défense" is provided. After you'll have seen this video, that's a whole new world of editing possibilities that will open to you !


Lightroom Video Tutorial : Creative Editings !

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