Developing your Photography Portfolio: A Five-Step Approach

Developing a solid portfolio is the most instrumental step you can take in your journey to become a professional photographer. To start a career in photography, you have to give people a reason to hire you, and the best way to do this is with visual examples that can attest to your vision and skill level. A portfolio does just that, as a selection of photos that showcase a photographer’s work.


We’ll be exploring a five-step approach to help streamline the process of building a portfolio, whether you already have work to include or not, so that you can kickstart your photography career and get straight into creating the type of work you want to make and photographing the things that you’re passionate about.


This class will cover:

  • How to decide on your photography niche
  • Building a photography portfolio in the niche of your choice - whether you are new to photography or you've been shooting for a little while and fancy shifting into a different style of photography
  • The ins and outs of collaborating with other people
  • Case studies across various genres of photography - from wedding photography to live music
  • Tips and tricks when it comes to curating the photos for your portfolio
  • How to best present and share your portfolio


 Developing your Photography Portfolio: A Five-Step Approach


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