Beginner to Editing in DaVinci : A Free Video Editor
Beginner to Editing in DaVinci : A Free Video Editor
Learn to edit a short basic Video in DaVinci, a computer intensive and free professional editing application.


We go very quickly (also please mind the invisible cursor), into a condensed 1 hour from "install to export" process and edit a short 15 second homemade video clip to export to YouTube.

For someone just wanting to gain some idea of how to get started or even get the feel of using DaVinci as another or even their first editor. Should the student have a computer that matches the specifications for this application in order to follow or access to be able to follow what we cover, and be able to recall and practice this on their own, then we hope to have been able to help the right students take their first step into the editing process.

We average mostly at 2 minutes a lecture, with a longer 9 minute video edit lecture, which is direct and straight to the point in the best way we could explain and condense in a short period our offering to share a set of skills with you.


We look forward to having good students that are able to keep up and by the end create a edit of their own and have build up the confidence to continue editing and learning new things on their own, or even just simply being able to adapter and play further with the features in DaVinci resolve.

Beginner to Editing in DaVinci : A Free Video Editor

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