Liveclasses - Camera Settings Logic

Liveclasses - Camera Settings Logic

Learning about the basic settings, novice photographers are confused: there is so much to adjust to get a picture! And the aperture, and shutter speed, and ISO! But there is still focus, white balance and a lot of other settings that are scary to think about. And you also need to follow the plot and light, think about the composition. And here the photographer has a completely natural question: what should be adjusted first? Aperture? Excerpt? Or some other parameters? Anton Martynov wrote down a class in which he answers these questions. The logic of the settings is revealed here: what should be configured first, what can be configured later, and what you can ignore at all. 

How to get a quality landscape? How to blur the background in a portrait? How to shoot moving and restless models? What modes will be most convenient for each type of shooting? The settings are considered using examples of the main genres: landscape, portrait, still life, genre and reportage. Now you will know where to start in your camera settings, even if you learned about all the settings just yesterday.

Liveclasses - Camera Settings Logic

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