Quick and Simple Techniques for EYE-CATCHING YouTube Thumbnails!

Quick and Simple Techniques for EYE-CATCHING YouTube Thumbnails!

English | 30m | Video 720p

In this class we will be going over some incredibly quick and simple editing techniques that will instantly make your YouTube Tumbnail STAND OUT!

All of these techniques will be demonstrated in Adobe Photoshop, but many of the techniques can be used in other editing software, even in Paint!


This course will be perfect for you if you are looking for:

New techniques to expand your repertoire

Techniques that will help you speed up your editing process

A gentle introduction to creating Thumbnails from scratch

Different ways to use basic techniques (to make them look super impressive and complicated!)

Ways to combine different techniques effectively

Lots of examples of things that DO and DON'T work





Quick and Simple Techniques for EYE-CATCHING YouTube Thumbnails!

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