Udemy - iOS 8 and Swift - How to Make a "Freaking" iPhone App

Using Xcode and Swift, learn how to develop real world iOS apps for the App Store. No programming experience required!

I am making the course that I wish I had when I was trying to learn iOS development. I feel like I have a unique perspective to teach this class because I've been the n00b that can't understand the tutorials or blog posts.

I will walk you through everything you need to start making apps. Getting Xcode (the program we use to make apps) setup and on your machine, making a developer account with Apple, and running the iPhone and iPad simulator on your mac.

I firmly believe that the best way to learn is by doing. This class will focus on making apps. We will make a series of apps that teach you different skills. Here is an overview of the apps we'll be making.

An app that...

...records audio with the microphone
...uses the front and rear cameras on iOS devices
...connects with Twitter
...uses GPS information (coming soon)
...connects with PARSE to make a social network

Once each of these apps are built, I will tell you everything you need to know to submit these apps to the App Store. This could be a whole class in and of itself!

What makes you a good teacher?

I have 8 apps in the App Store that I built from scratch
I have been doing iOS development for 3+ years
When I was first learning iOS development, I was often confused by wordy blog posts and tutorials. I will never talk over your head
I created the first Swift class on Udemy which has been a huge success

Who is this class for?

People who want to make apps. I will not be teaching Computer Science principles and topics. I will be teaching you how to make apps that you can play with and share with friends, family, and the world!
Beginners. You don't need any programming experience to take this class. I have been the absolute beginner before and I want to help you.
Entrepreneurs who have an idea for an app. Don't pay somebody thousands to build your app. Do it yourself. Having the ability to create something you can think of is extremely powerful.


Home Page - https://www.udemy.com/ios-8-and-swift-how-to-make-a-freaking-iphone-app/


iOS 8 and Swift - How to Make a \

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