React.JS Crash Course: Task Tracker App
A Modern React Task Manager

In this comprehensive React course, you’ll learn how to create a dynamic task tracker application from scratch. Dive into React’s core concepts, state management, and component-based architecture. By the end of the course, you’ll have a fully functional task tracker that’s both user-friendly and visually appealing.

Designed for beginners, this course includes React concepts.

Covers essential concepts and tools needed to get started.

You’ll learn React, Redux, React Router, JS, HTML, SCSS.

Implementing reusable components.

Learn about components, props, state

Become an advanced React developer.


Course Highlights:

  • Understand React fundamentals: components, props, and state

  • Manage tasks: adding new task, editing, view task details and delete task.

  • Redux Toolkit integration and using updated store from Redux.

  • Tracking store changes in Redux using Redux Devtools extension.

  • Routing for rendering different pages.

  • Creating Custom Hooks for reusable code.

  • Making API Calling using axios javascript library.

  • Manage state and props to manage data in component level and pass data to child components

  • JSX for rendering the UI.

  • SCSS for styling React Components

  • CRUD: Create Retrieve Update Delete operations


Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your React skills, this course provides hands-on experience and practical knowledge. Join us on this exciting journey to become a React pro!


React.JS Crash Course: Task Tracker App

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