Sketching Pirate Landscapes in Photoshop
Improve your digital painting and thumbnail sketching skills to deepen your understanding of composition and ideation


In this four hour tutorial series we'll be looking into some simple techniques for making strong black and white pirate-themed environment thumbnail sketches that go a little deeper than your typical 10 minute loose sketches.

As such, this kind of technique brings you that tiny bit closer to a finished painting so that when you're ready to push to final painting, you can rely on the sketch that little bit more, knowing that it doesn't need to change too much.

This also means that, from a social media and self promotion point of view, you can 'sell' the sketches as attention-grabbing pieces in their own right! Much better than discarding those ugly super-quick doodles!

The pirate-themed sketches I made for this tutorial received a lot of attention from well know artists in my field because they have a very dramatic and instant read quality. In this series I will talk you through my thought process as we explore composition princples together.

What you'll get:

  • 6 x 30-40 minute videos (condensed down from a couple of hours of footage each) narrated over with my thought process when painting thumbnails in Photoshop.

  • 2 x bonus videos in real-time explaining a few techniques in more detail.

  • 11 x Photoshop Custom Shapes (for making rocks and terrain).

  • 5 x palm tree brushes.

  • 1 x Brush for making sketchy clouds.

  • 1 x Photoshop action to simplify images and reduce their detail, making them less sharp and more painterly.

  • Larger resolution jpegs of the 9 final thumbnails.


Sketching Pirate Landscapes in Photoshop

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