T-Shirt Design with Vectornator on Ipad Pro

Hello there and welcome to my class, in this class I'm going to teach you how to design your own T-Shirts. Yeah you heard right, you will learn how to express yourself and unleash your creativity. You don't need any prior knowledge, because the things you learn in this class will be just enough so that you can start designing right away!

Everybody is creative, it's just the matter of how much effort your put into it. The more your practice, the better you are getting. Which is the whole point of this class. I'm not going to waste your time with some boring theory and stuff that you don't need.

In this class you will learn by practicing. There are 3 different T-Shirts designs that we are going to create in this class. You will see how you can create some amazing designs by using basic shapes and tools. For that purpose, we are going to use one of the popular vector applications, called Vectornator. It's a free application, so no worries there.


 T-Shirt Design with Vectornator on Ipad Pro


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