Color Studies : Learn How to Explore Color to Improve Your Artwork

Do you have trouble choosing colors for your artwork? What if you could make the process of choosing colors easier? That's exactly what the goal is for this class!


Does adding color to your artwork seem fun until you actually do it? Often times you end up trying color after color and your final result looks completely different than your first idea. While there's nothing wrong with choosing color this way, it can be time consuming and frustrating. It can be especially frustrating when you are just beginning your art journey but with practice and color studies you'll quickly improve.

In these lessons, I will teach you how to study references so that you have a better understand of color. Not only will I show you how to study references, but I will show you interesting ways to create studies that you can refer back to later.

This class isn't just for beginners but for artist of every level. The lessons are set up to be easy for you to understand no matter what level of expertise you have so that anyone can enjoy learning from these lessons.

 Color Studies : Learn How to Explore Color to Improve Your Artwork

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