Surface  Design In Adobe Illustrator: A Beginner's Guide to Pattern  Building

This class focuses heavily on the technical side of creating a repeating pattern in Adobe Illustrator. I put a lot of time and effort and care into making it a truly comprehensive introduction to surface design in the program. I go over all of the essential tools that I use for drawing, coloring, and assembling motifs to make patterns, and then some. In addition, I cover common beginner mistakes and how to fix or avoid them. I’ve also created some downloadable PDFs, including an Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts quick reference guide, among other things, for you to print out and reference along the way.


I’ve taken many pattern classes from many different amazing surface designers over the past six years, and consequently, I’ve picked up a ton of useful tips and tricks and pieces of advice along the way. So I thought that it was about time that I start making my own pattern design classes. I hope to see you there!

 Surface Design In Adobe Illustrator: A Beginner's Guide to Pattern Building

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