Blender 3D: Create a Jack-o\'-lantern Scene
 Blender 3D: Create a Jack-o'-lantern Scene

Welcome to this Blender 3D Course: Create a Jack-o'-lantern Scene
Blender version used: Blender 3.3

This Blender course is beginner friendly and you will learn how to create everything in this scene.


What you will learn:

  • Lesson 1: How to model a Jack-o'-lantern (Pumpkin)
  • Lesson 2: Carving the eyes and mouth
  • Lesson 3: Use basic rigging to create the stem
  • Lesson 4: Create materials for the pumpkin and stem using nodes
  • Lesson 5: Lighting the scene
  • Lesson 6: Create a camera and render using the Cycles Renderer

I've designed this course with beginners in mind. Follow along and learn how to create your own 3D characters and scenes. Learn how to model organic objects, use bones to rig certain object, apply materials using the Blender material nodes, adding lighting to bring your scene to life and finally I will teach you how to render your final scene using the Cycles render engine.


 Blender 3D: Create a Jack-o'-lantern Scene


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