Learn How To Use Picasso\'s Color Secrets
Learn How To Use Picasso's Color Secrets
This class is for you if you are serious about expanding your knowledge of color and learning how to use it effectively in whatever field of art or business you are currently engaged with. Know right now that color can work for you or it can work against you.


This class is perfect for anyone who uses color for the culinary arts, graphic design, photography, graphic design, jewelry making, or any of the fine arts.


The class will show you exactly how Picasso approached pure color and how grey areas and gradation (scale) could make his pure colors produce harmonious color effects.


The class will present a simple landscape, that can be completed in traditional watercolor, or acrylic watercolors (acrylic paints thinned to a watercolor consistency). 


The Demo will show you what materials you will need. Watch it in sections if you like as each video leads to the next. The actual painting time is about 35 minutes.

Learn How To Use Picasso's Color Secrets

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