How to Use Visual Storytelling to Improve Your Art

 How to Use Visual Storytelling to Improve Your Art

Creating captivating drawings and paintings - the kind that pull the audience to look closer - is something we all want as artists. When we are beginning to learn the techniques of drawing and coloring, it's easy to focus on just making the subject of our artwork look good. It's natural to concentrate on portraits, anatomy, realism, style while using all the tools we're learning.



Making creative decisions in our art that result in more compelling 'visual stories' requires some thoughtful practice, and knowing some basic keys can help when sketching a composition. This tutorial is an overview of those basic 'golden keys' for understanding and improving your artwork with storytelling.

You'll learn about concepts of viewpoint, perspective, proximity, scale and focal points in order to create a visual narrative. It's all about taking time to consider what kind of story you want to tell, who the characters are, and how make them more intriguing for a viewer.

 How to Use Visual Storytelling to Improve Your Art


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