Drawing Vector Graphics: Patterns

Drawing Vector Graphics: Patterns


Patterns have been a part of cultures around the globe for centuries and play a major role in many aspects of our lives. From fashion to branding, interior design to signage, patterns blanket and beautify our world. As a result, designers are often asked to create them, but it can be a confusing process. In this course, Von Glitschka demystifies the process by explaining tessellations and why they are important, as well as how to create repeat patterns from scratch, how to use the Pattern tool in Illustrator, and good habits to create a smooth workflow. Von walks you through the full process of planning your pattern design, from first sketch to creating multi-layered and textured patterns. He also covers ways to use the Pattern tool in Illustrator and ways to repeat grid patterns and use radial functionality. Von finishes up by reviewing the creative process, presenting some pattern usage examples, and offering suggestions on how to apply what you’ve learned.



Drawing Vector Graphics: Patterns

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