From Sketch to Complete Illustration for Beginners
 From Sketch to Complete Illustration for Beginners

If you are into drawing, but struggling to turn your sketches into a complete illustration, this class is for you. 

A simple sketch might have a huge potential of being your masterpiece! We know that almost every artwork starts with sketching, but what makes them artwork is also about the artist's patience.


In this class, you'll learn:

  • Some alternative ways of gathering inspiration,
  • Fun ways to create sketches,
  • What is layering and why it matters,
  • Color wheel,
  • How to create a color palette on Procreate,
  • How to make color exploration,
  • How to add shades and lights to your elements.

Our exercises will be:

  1. Working on Random Shapes
  2. Sketching from a Reference 

Finally, we will be creating:

  1. An illustration inspired by a random shape
  2. A complete witch's room by using the sketches we created on the Exercise part.

 From Sketch to Complete Illustration for Beginners

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