Fashion Illustration with Art Nouveau & Botanical drawing - Fashion Design
 Fashion Illustration with Art Nouveau & Botanical drawing - Fashion Design

This class is structure to give you

  •  Quick history recap of the Art Nouveau mouvement {Thought in a visual way, highlighting the key point for a better absorption of the notions}.

  • Some botanical line drawings {To allow us to create an art nouveau inspired project}

  • Art nouveau hair.

  • We creates plates, ornements.

  • Technic to create an art nouveau frame.

  • Starting from an element we learn to simplify and twist it to create a pattern for our fashion designs.

  • Creation of our final project where we start from a subject/idea and we incorporate it into a fashion illustration. With was we learned we create a beautiful presentation piece inspired by an art movement.

 Fashion Illustration with Art Nouveau & Botanical drawing - Fashion Design

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