Creating Human Characters for Beginners- Faces & Expression

 Creating Human Characters for Beginners- Faces & Expression

In this class you will learn to create human characters, more specifically, we are going to focus on the head and facial expression.


The class is perfect for beginners and for those who struggle with drawing heads. It is not easy to draw and illustrate the faces of characters, but we are going to start right at the beginning - with the construction of the head, and then move to a more fun part, where we are going to craft our own heads with different shapes. We are also going to push it forward to express the emotions and personalities of the characters through facial expression and props and details.

Illustrations tell stories and the best way to communicate your ideas is through the character, right?

Shape language, expression and details all help us to convey our ideas. Learning and mainly practicing how to use these tools to visually communicate will increase the quality of your illustrations. After completing this class, you will have the foundation to further develop your own ways for visual communication and to be able to really transfer your ideas to an easily readable artwork.

 Creating Human Characters for Beginners- Faces & Expression

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