Make An Eye-Catching Youtube Thumbnail in Photoshop

Make An Eye-Catching Youtube Thumbnail in Photoshop

I want to show you how to Make A Youtube Thumbnail fast using Adobe Photoshop!

If you’re looking to make your YouTube Channel to the next level quickly, this is the course! I’ll show you how to very easily make clean, vibrant and uncluttered Thumbnails that will elevate your channel. 

You will learn how to:

  • Start Simple and Clean with Images and Text

  • Realign Your Templates to Change Things Up

  • Create A Split-Screen Thumbnail

  • Piece Together Multiple Elements

  • Create Colorful Backgrounds

  • and much more!

I’ll show you how to take regular images and turn them into strong and powerful Youtube Thumbnails. I'll walk you through how to add text, realign images, work with multi-element ideas and create a color scheme that you’re excited about!. I'll also show you some helpful tips and tricks along the way that I find super useful when working in Photoshop.

This course is aimed at complete beginners who want to learn something about Photoshop, but don't know where to start!

Make An Eye-Catching Youtube Thumbnail in Photoshop

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