Abstract Watercolor Painting: 3 Shapes 3 Colors

Abstract Watercolor Painting: 3 Shapes 3 Colors


Abstract Art uses shapes, colors, and strokes to create a representation of an image, a feeling, or a recollection. It can be a hint of a familiar emotion, a soothing image, or something complex. 

In today’s class we will create an abstract watercolor painting using three shapes and three colors. We’ll use forms and composition to create images that may evoke memories, feelings, or simply, something of interest.

Class includes chapters for three separate images. Each chapter offers instruction for each step of the process. We’ll start out by creating thumbnail sketches of our paintings, placing the shapes in various positions until we find one that works.  Then, transfer your sketch to watercolor paper and begin your painting. Follow the steps shown, to create layers for your work

Abstract Watercolor Painting: 3 Shapes 3 Colors

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