Purple sunset - Landscape Painting with watercolors

Purple sunset - Landscape Painting with watercolors
English | 28m | Video: 720p

This class is suitable for anyone who wants to explore the world of watercolours.
We will learn wet on wet technique in watercolours and you will gain a lot of knowledge on how you can choose a composition.



Shapes and sizes - The lines that we draw in a landscape horizontal, vertical or slanting helps to define the subject of the painting. In this class we have tree as our center of focus and bushes in the background helps to create the perspective of what is near and what is far.

Color and contrast - Choosing harmonious colours warm and cool mix helps to define the totality of a painting. Creative use of color, value and intensity can make a landscape go live.

Texturing - It’s always fun to experiment how you want to texture different parts of a painting. Like we will texture the ground in this lesson.

More info - https://www.skillshare.com/classes/Purple-sunset-Landscape-Painting-with-watercolors/1497154762?via=search-layout-grid

Purple sunset - Landscape Painting with watercolors

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