3 point perspective :: Draw your room

3 point perspective :: Draw your room

English | 40m | Video 1080p

Perspective is key to almost any kind of subjects in arts. It is one of the basics that you need to understand in order to create realistic and believable scenes. Adding perspective and depth to flatten images makes the image more interesting.



Perspective also helps you to create a viewpoint for your audience that will communicate your subject.


Hello everyone! Welcome to Pentraveller’s drawing class. In October, we are going to explore 3 point perspective. I will show you what it is, how to recognise it, and how to use it. We are also going to do 2 drawing exercises during the class - Rather than copying the images that are given, this time we are going to use our imagination and create a scenery. This can be quite challenging but will help you to grow a deeper understanding in perspective. I will show you how to step by step. 


Who is this class for?

People who are interested in learning the basics of art


People who want to learn about 3 point perspective

People who want to improve their drawing skills.


What you will learn:

How to understand 3 perspective.

How to draw an object in 3 point perspective

How to draw a room in 3 point perspective

Tips for when drawing figures in perspective





3 point perspective :: Draw your room

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