Truchet Patterns: Code Your First Illustrator Script for Easy Generative Tile Art
 Truchet Patterns: Code Your First Illustrator Script for Easy Generative Tile Art
English | 51m | Video: 720p


Welcome to "Truchet Patterns: Code Your First Illustrator Script for Easy Generative Tile Art"!  Generative art, creative coding??? What's that?

WELL, have you ever wondered if there wasn't some little bit of magic that might make awesome patterns appear instantly in Adobe Illustrator?  Have you seen patterns like the ones decorating this description and thought... wow... how on earth are those made?

It turns out... these patterns are EASY... and can be made in mere seconds with a tiny bit of code.

Code?  What?  You?  Yes!!!  It's not as hard as you think and I am here to hold your hand on the way to writing you first Illustrator script.


In this class you will:

  • Gain confidence with simple code
  • Learn to appreciate the simple rules that make awesome Truchet patterns
  • Gain all the tools you need to make original Truchet patterns
  • Develop real (awesome) patterns for your portfolio (and quickly!)


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 Truchet Patterns: Code Your First Illustrator Script for Easy Generative Tile Art


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