Presenting Your Design Work: Designing Your Project Story From Start to Finish
 Presenting Your Design Work: Designing Your Project Story From Start to Finish
English | 45m | video: 720p


Have you ever gone into a design presentation and lost complete control of the direction of the conversation? Or the feedback you’re receiving isn’t quite what you’re looking for? This class will help you craft your design presentation for interviews, critiques, and product or design reviews. This class will cover problem framing, narrative, style, and engagement, and it will help you architect and design a presentation that you can modify for multiple scenarios.

This class is for product designers and UI/UX designers who desire to have clear, concise, and effective presentations of their design work at different stages of the design process as well as for different audiences. There’s no experience required, but it is helpful to have a project—even a small one—to use for the lessons.


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 Presenting Your Design Work: Designing Your Project Story From Start to Finish

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