Overcome Creative Blocks with Blind Contour Illustrations
Overcome Creative Blocks with Blind Contour Illustrations
English | 31m | Video: 720p


When your art practice becomes a bit of a chore, work in some blind contours to remind yourself that you can still make really, really, really ugly art! :) This class is recommended for beginners to seasoned artists. Whatever level you are at, you can adapt this exercise to fit your needs!

Blind contour drawings are an exercise where you draw things without looking at your paper or lifting your pen. You follow the contours of your subject with your eyes, and translate that information to the paper. In addition to being an excellent exercise for training your brain to see objects, it's also a great exercise for learning to go with whatever is on the page and make the best of it. Some of these drawings will be ridiculous. Portraits can be downright terrifying. But after we paint our sketches, we'll have recognizable-ish objects that have tons of character!

Blind contour drawings are my favorite way to restart after a draining project, or after a bit of a creative rut.

In this class you'll learn how to observe subjects by studying their contours. You'll learn how to be okay with whatever weirdness comes out of your pen. You'll do a lot of problem solving, and you might even work through some anxieties (it's like therapy, but with weird-looking art at the end!).


More info - https://skl.sh/2OsoqU6


Overcome Creative Blocks with Blind Contour Illustrations

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